Stay Informed!

The best way to know all that is going on in the East Row is to join our email Listserv! This is a neighborhood-wide email group that provides everything from announcements for events, contractor recommendations, and answers to for questions, to new friends, neighborhood meetups, and social gatherings.

If you’re an East Row neighbor and aren’t subscribed, send a blank email to to join!

Get Involved!

You can get involved in the organization by joining one of our committees:


Chairperson: Robert Yoder
Making things beautiful and adding charm to the Historic East Row is the goal of the Beautification Committee.  Whether cleaning up Newport with the Trash Bash Challenge or maintaining the garden urns, the committee hopes to make an impact on the one beautiful project at a time!  If you have any ideas that would enhance the aesthetics of the East Row or want to join our fun, please contact us at

Historic Preservation

Chairperson: John Morrow
The Historic Preservation committee promotes our historic housing stock and rich history. Meetings include happy hours at homes that are in the process of being renovated (or after final completion of renovation), with guest lecturers and advice from experts on how best to preserve the beautiful architecture of our neighborhood.


Chairperson: Elizabeth Robson / Kelli VanDussen
Philanthropy is vital to our organization. A portion of the funds raised by the ERHF every year are distributed to charities doing good within the City of Newport. This committee is in charge of finding noble causes for us to contribute to and champion.

Welcoming and Social Committees

Chairperson: Elaine Pearl - Welcoming Commitee
Chairperson: open - Social Committee
The Welcoming and Social Committees were created to foster a cohesive community within the East Row Historic District (ERHD).  The Committees both promote camaraderie and attempt to build unity among the ERHD through organizing fun and interesting events for the entire community, allowing neighbors to meet and socialize with each other, no matter how long they have been a neighbor. We hold large Block Parties four times a year, with other social events throughout the year.
The Welcoming Committee works to cultivate a friendly neighborhood atmosphere by hosting New Neighbor Parties and passing out welcome bags to any new neighbors moving to the ERHD.  If you have any ideas or would like to join either committee, please contact an ERHF Board member. 

Dog Park

Chairperson: Amanda Fields
A crown jewel of our community is our dog park located behind the Campbell County Library. The committee maintains the dog park and holds fund raisers and events to benefit our four-legged friends and their playground.

Victorian Christmas Tour / Riverfest

Chairperson: Kym Sutton - Christmas Tour
Chairperson: Jeff Richardson - Riverfest
These are our largest fundraisers each year, and events that the ERHF has been participating in and organizing for decades. Selling t-shirts during Riverfest is during Labor Day weekend and the Christmas Tour is the 1st weekend of December. We are always looking for volunteers to help with these events! Please reach out to an ERHF Board member if you are able to help!


Grant Application

Got a 501(c)3 organization that does good in Newport? Part of the philanhropic mission of the ERHF is to support other charitable organizations to grow and improve the community. Grants are typically $500-$2000 for projects benefitting the City of Newport and the the East Row neighborhood.

Who is eligible to apply: 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit organizations that are located and/or operate in the City of Newport.

Due date: Feb. 15, 2025

We are moving to an online, google forms submission this year, which can be accessed by clicking the button below. Please apply!

Questions may be directed to

2024-2025 Board of Directors

Chairperson: Jason Kramb -
Treasurer: Caitlin McBee -
Secretary: Jeff Hemm -
Mansion Hill Representative: Karen Minzner -
Gateway Representative: Beau Bramer -

What Happened at Last Month's Meeting? 

ERHF Bylaws

For specifics on how the ERHF operates and what it stands for, check out our bylaws.