Certificate of Appropriateness

The East Row is a Historic District and requires residents to obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness prior to making any exterior alterations to your house. This includes, but is not limited to, replacement of architectural features, work on windows, doors, porches, box gutters, and color selection for painting.

Visit the City of Newport Historic Preservation website for more details.

Jennifer Williams is the Historic Preservation Officer for the City of Newport. It is worth discussing any exterior home projects with her before applying for a Certificate of Appropriateness. Many exterior home projects can be approved and a CoA obtained within days. More involved projects, especially anything that involves changes in materials from original, additions, or other major changes will go before the citizen run Newport Historic Preservation Commission for approval. Links to the application and instructions are below, or on the City website.

The City also maintains a list of contractors that work on historic properties. Contact Jennifer Williams for advice for your projects.

Important Links

Boundary of the East Row Historic District