The Voice - May 2020

City of Newport Update


Submitted by City Manager Tom Fromme

I want to provide a brief update and some insight into city operations during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

2021 Budget
Since many businesses have been forced to close, we realize we will have a significant impact to our revenues, particularly a reduction in payroll taxes. Due to the timing of closures, we will not be able to get a clear reading of the impact until well after the current fiscal year which ‪ends on June 30. Since we are currently formulating the 2021 budget (July 1-June 30, 2021), we will have to rely on our best guesstimate moving forward.

City Services
Although City Hall is closed to visitors, we want to assure everyone that city services have been minimally impacted, especially public safety and public works. All other services are also being provided such as code enforcement, permits, licensing, and historic preservation certificates of appropriateness. We are still performing street cleaning services on assigned days, but are not issuing parking tickets if you cannot move your vehicles.

While some public safety calls have decreased, other calls have increased. All city projects are moving forward such as street and sidewalk repairs. We are also readying a drainage project at 16th and Monmouth. For yet-to-be-determined reasons, we have experienced huge increases in broken water mains at several locations. The pedestrian bridges are being set in place, connecting the Levee to the Taylor Southgate Bridge. Monmouth Street sidewalk improvements will soon be starting again.

Comprehensive Plan
Progress continues for our Comprehensive Plan update and we will be transitioning our typical public meetings to virtual platforms, moving forward. The Steering Committee is refining the plan's priority topics, developing goals and objectives, and asking for the first round of community input. The NewportFORWARD public input survey is now open and available, and is also linked to the city’s website and Facebook page. Deadline for input is Monday, May 11.

COVID-19-related Cancellations
Newport in general has responded very well to the inconveniences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Without a doubt, closures have greatly reduced potential virus outbreaks. Unfortunately, it will take a while to get back to normal once everything comes back online and at this point, it appears the Veterans pool will not open this year. The Memorial Day Parade has been cancelled and several festivals including Italianfest and Taste of Newport are being postponed and will likely be cancelled for 2020. Once restaurants and other businesses reopen, social distancing will still need to be practiced. Please stay tuned for any additional cancellations or postponements, which will be communicated through our website, email, local media sources, and Facebook sites.

In the end we will come through this period and keep moving forward. When things reopen, it is imperative that we all support our local businesses. The local small businesses are the backbone of our city and will need our patronage.

Census Reminder
In closing, I want to reiterate the need for everyone to complete their census information either online or by mail. We are lagging behind most other local communities by a large margin. This truly has a very negative impact on federal funding for our city. We have no one to blame but ourselves.

As always if you have any questions, email or

Take care and thanks for staying healthy at home and practicing social distancing. 

Great things are happening in Newport! Thanks for your efforts to continue to make Newport a great place to live, work, shop, and play.

At Home in the East Row with Novelist Jack Kerley

Jack Kerley’s psychological thrillers have been translated into 10 languages and are in 20+ countries.

Jack Kerley’s psychological thrillers have been translated into 10 languages and are in 20+ countries.

By Paula Brandon

During the monotony of quarantine, you may be inspired to pick up a book to escape the current boundaries of life. If you are drawn to psychological thrillers, one of Jack Kerley’s acclaimed novels may be just what you need. His work follows fictional characters Carson Ryder and Harry Nautilus – Mobile, Alabama, homicide detectives – through a series of 13 books as they track down various deranged killers. 

If you believe two hardened detectives slogging through the Alabama swamplands are far removed from life in the East Row, think again. Jack and his wife, Elaine, have been at home here since 1981 when they moved in and became part of our neighborhood’s pioneering force for change. They and other residents formed NEWPAC (Newport Political Action Committee) to push back against inappropriate development, invasive highway ramps and a legacy of Newport crime to lift our historic neighborhood up to its current status. Jack wrote NEWPAC’s fliers. During that time, he was working as an advertising writer and producer, but in the late ‘90s, after 25 years in the business, Elaine urged him to walk away to write the novel he was always talking about, and so he did. 

“I’ve always been inspired by large bodies of water,” Jack explains and while Newport is not the setting for any of his literary crime sprees, his walks along the Ohio River provided plenty of time and inspiration for plotting and character development. “My parents had a getaway cottage on Mobile Bay,” he adds. “With wild storms rolling through, plus extreme heat and humidity, the weather became one of the characters in my books.” In addition to the Gulf Coast, Jack, Elaine and their son and daughter, John and Amanda, have enjoyed their Kentucky cabin in the Red River Gorge. In fact, the Gorge became a fictional crime scene in another of his books, Buried Alive. 

The Hundredth Man, Jack’s first Carson Ryder novel, was published in 2004 to rave reviews that compared him to Thomas Harris and Patricia Cornwell. Thanks to his internationally connected publisher, HarperCollins UK, his novels are popular around the world and especially in the UK and Australia. He released 13 books spanning 2004-17 and his novels have been translated into 10 languages and are in 20+ countries. In 2010, Jack’s book, The Death Collectors was voted “Best Foreign Mystery of the Decade” in Japan. 

Moving to Newport in ’81 was a homecoming. “I grew up here until age 13,” Jack says. “My family lived on Joyce Avenue at the time.” Inspired by books he read during his youth and a lifelong interest in psychology and dysfunctional minds, Jack’s books took shape and spilled out in rapid succession. Certainly, Newport has a rich, notorious history featuring many memorable characters, but none are more interesting than those that have sprung from the keyboard of Jack Kerley. 

Newport Census 2020 - Everybody Counts!

Census Partnership Web Badges_1A_v1.8_12.10.2018.jpg

Submitted by Assistant City Manager Larisa Sims

Approximately 50% of Newport residents have completed and submitted the Census 2020 questionnaire. This information is critical for Newport, Campbell County and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. If you have been affected by COVID-19 and have completed an application for unemployment, SBA loan program, Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or the city’s Business Financial Assistance application requesting funding for you or your business, Census 2020 needs your information – NOW!  

Federal Fund allocations are based on census information. The questionnaire will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Census 2020 needs your information to continue funding much-needed services in Newport. You are the benefactor! Thanks to everyone who has already responded.

Reminder: For every person missed in the census, the City of Newport and Campbell County lose approximately $2,000, per year for the next 10 years impacting federally funded projects and services. Your response is so important because it directly impacts the City of Newport's access to billions of dollars in federal funds for schools, roads, and other public services. 

Completing the census is fast and easy. 

Log on to the census website at

o  Click “Start Questionnaire” and answer the questions.

o  You will be asked to verify your address.

o  You will also be asked if you own or rent your home.

Then, you’ll enter the names, age and race of the people who live in your home.

Hit submit!

You must complete your questionnaire once you begin. If you leave the questionnaire and return later, you will have to start over.

If you do not respond, you will receive a paper survey you can fill out and return by mail. You can also complete your survey by phone.

The Stadium Inn Revealed

By Brian Malone

Most of us in the East Row live in homes that are more than 100 years old. If you’ve researched the history of your home, maybe you’ve uncovered a colorful story or interesting personality. I began digging into the story of our house several years ago with searches of the Williams City Directories and a search. Pretty quickly I discovered that at least six people have died in our house (see Nov. 2016 Voice article). This isn’t surprising given that our home is 125 years old and contained a rental unit until we purchased it. 

The second owners of our house were the Offenbachers. Their unique name turned up often in Google, Facebook and newspaper searches. Through pure coincidence, I discovered that a long-time friend of mine is related to the Offenbacher family. They were able to find some photos that shed light on a strange bit of Newport history, yet perhaps poses more questions.

clockwise from top left, Wilbert and Elsie Offenbacher on the porch of 822 Park Av., July 16, 1928; Inside The Stadium Inn, Eddie and Marie Offenbacher, around 1940; and from left, Eddie, William, Anna, and George Offenbacher in front of 1026 Vine S…

clockwise from top left, Wilbert and Elsie Offenbacher on the porch of 822 Park Av., July 16, 1928; Inside The Stadium Inn, Eddie and Marie Offenbacher, around 1940; and from left, Eddie, William, Anna, and George Offenbacher in front of 1026 Vine St. in 1918.

the old stadium inn site today.

the old stadium inn site today.

The Offenbachers moved to our address, 822 Park Av. from 1026 Vine St. around 1923. Parents William and Anna owned the house and son Edwin (Eddie), his wife Marie, and their children Wilbert, Elsie, and Shirley rented. Eddie's family moved around 1938 to 538 Linden and opened a bar/restaurant called the Stadium Inn at 901 E. 6th at the northeast corner of Oak and 6th, where the Campbell County Library now stands. In true Newport fashion for the era, the Stadium Inn had a slot machine even though Eddie was a former police officer. The establishment operated from 1939 to around 1959 when the building was sold, demolished and the land developed to build an A&P grocery. That building later became the I-471 Antique Mall and was razed in 2003 for the new library construction.

Here’s where things get weird… Several folks remember the nooses being on display in the Inn from the executions of Scott Jackson and Alonzo Walling for the murder of Pearl Bryan in 1896. If you're not familiar with this creepy bit of Newport history, it was one of the biggest stories of the era and led to the executions (the last in Campbell County) of Jackson and Walling by hanging, behind the Newport Courthouse. There is documentation that the nooses (which were color coded) had been on display in the basement of the Campbell County Courthouse in the 1910s along with other artifacts from the trial and execution. Eddie Offenbacher was chief of the Campbell County Police from 1934-1938 so it would stand to reason that he might have had access to these artifacts. Stranger still is the fact that both Eddie and his father eventually took their own lives by hanging. The whereabouts of the nooses are unknown today.

This slightly macabre story highlights the rich history of our neighborhood and our own homes. The Offenbachers were just one of many families to reside here before us and their lives are part of the fabric of Newport to this day. What stories will your house tell?

Emergency Business Assistance

The Newport Board of Commissioners approved the implementation of an Emergency Business Assistance Program in response to small businesses impacted during the COVID-19 crisis. The City of Newport’s Emergency Business Assistance Program is offering incentives of up to $500 a month that small business owners and operators can use for rent, lease or mortgage payments during the business closures ordered due to the virus. In anticipation of necessary approvals, and to streamline applications as much as possible, the city has been accepting pre-applications for the program. Learn more about the program’s details. To view the Special Call meeting that was held on April 27 visit the city’s Facebook page. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 22.

Dog Park Update

The Dog Park Committee would like to thank the volunteers who have come out to help lay 4x4s and spread a massive amount of mulch throughout the property, as well as those who have provided other support to the project. Tim Appleton, Bill Mackison, and Corey Siddall were recently spotted driving bobcats at the site. If you haven’t walked past lately, enjoy a sidewalk stroll around the new dog park located right behind the library! 

Stay tuned for more opportunities to get involved. Please purchase your BRICK today! It’s a great way to have your family name, business or pet represented at the beautiful entrance of the park.

Find more details on the Newport East Row Dog Park Facebook page.

Amnesty for All! Fines and Fees Waived at Your Local Public Library

The boards of trustees of all four Northern Kentucky public libraries -- Boone, Campbell, Grant and Kenton counties -- voted at their April board meetings to provide “Amnesty for All” and waive all fines and fees for all library patrons. This amnesty offer includes charges for lost or damaged items assessed prior to March 14, 2020 when area libraries closed to protect the health and safety of staff and patrons. Patrons do not need to come to the library to clear their accounts.  

Dave Schroeder, director of the Kenton County Public Library, said waiving fines and fees allows people to use all of the library’s services at a time when they need the library the most. Items currently checked out are expected to be returned to the respective libraries so that others may use the materials. Overdue fees for returned items will not be charged until the libraries fully reopen.

“People have been through a lot and we want to make it as easy as possible for our patrons to use their library again,” said JC Morgan, director of the Campbell County Public Library. “Amnesty for All wipes the slate clean and provides a fresh start. This is especially important for people who have suffered through this pandemic.”  

The Voice

Editor: Paula Brandon

Send articles to The editor reserves the right to edit or reject submissions due to length or content.

The Voice - April 2020

City of Newport Public Notice

Submitted by City Manager Tom Fromme


Until further notice, the City Building at 10th and Monmouth is closed to the general public. Drop boxes for payments and permit applications are available on the first floor at both main entrances, (glass doors at front and rear). 

The following provisions are in effect:

  • City staff will be accepting Building, Zoning and Historic Preservation permit applications by email, fax, regular mail or drop box. Please call 859-292-3637 or email Allyson Schaefer or Joy Rovno or 859-292-3687 with any questions.  

  • The Finance Department staff will be available via email or phone at 859-292-3660 for issues concerning property tax, payroll tax, business tax or any finance matters.

  • All public meetings/hearings before the Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment, Historic Preservation Commission and Code Enforcement Board shall be postponed until further notice. As conditions change, alterations may be made to city operations without prior notice. Any changes will be distributed through, our Newport Facebook page (CityofNewportKY), the neighborhood list serves, and posted at the city building.

  • Acceptance of passport applications has been suspended until further notice. Please check the US Dept of State website for locations to apply and call ahead to confirm they are open.

These procedures are being instituted to assure that critical city services will continue without interruption. We believe that this public health emergency will be brought under control much sooner if the advice of public health officials is being followed by residents and businesses.

Our emergency services will continue to operate during this period. Some reports may be taken by the Police Department by phone.                                                                            

Thank you for your patience and understanding and for making Newport a Great place to Live, Work, Shop & Play!  

The McIlvains, Immortalized on Overton St.

overlooking a quiet east row corner, Anne McIlvain is frozen in time as she admires a garden flower.

overlooking a quiet east row corner, Anne McIlvain is frozen in time as she admires a garden flower.

Forever captured in stained glass, the women of 301 Overton St. have some tales to tell – including stories involving marriage, money, family relationships, and litigation. The impressive Queen Anne now occupied by Jim Price was built by Thomas McIlvain, partner in the McIlvain & Spiegel Boiler & Tank Co. of Cincinnati, who also built two stone “sister houses” on E. 3rd St. adjacent to the Taylor Mansion. He built the house next door at 305 Overton for his secretary, and McIlvain Alley between Overton and Park is named for him. 

Constructed in 1889, the house at 301 Overton features numerous stained glass windows. Two of those windows depict the home’s first female residents. Anne was the original lady of the house, and the other window immortalizes her daughter Clara, who was 17 when the house was built.

You won’t find a window depicting Catherine McIlvain, however. Anne died in 1895 and Thomas then married Catherine, his niece (his sister’s daughter), in a Tennessee ceremony. They later moved to Florida for his health and he died there in 1897. Catherine ended up rejecting his will which allowed for “a sufficient sum for my wife” in favor of claiming her full dower rights as his widow, which would have included his entire estate valued at about $200,000, or about $6.25M today. 

Ultimately, the legal debate focused on the validity of Thomas and Catherine’s marriage since they were uncle/niece, and the ultimate decision, which went all the way to the Kentucky Supreme Court, took years to litigate. Read more about the legal entanglements of this case. (Spoiler alert: Catherine McIlvain lost her bid for the entire estate, but was deemed entitled to the support mentioned in Thomas’ will, involving an amount said to be “suited to her station in life.” The case was decided in 1917, 20 years after Thomas’ death. Meanwhile, as you can see, Anne is still the lady of the house.

Does your East Row home have an interesting or unusual story? Let us know so The Voice can feature it in an upcoming issue. 

Take the 2020 Census Now!

Census Partnership Web Badges_1A_v1.8_12.10.2018.jpg

You should have received your 2020 Census Invitation to Respond mailer. Please take time to fill it out now! If you are homeschooling your kids, have them assist you with the completion of the questionnaire and maybe it can count as an extracurricular assignment!

Did you know that for every person missed in the census, the City of Newport and Campbell County loses approximately $2,000, per year for the next 10 years for federally funded projects and services? Your response is so important because it directly impacts the City of Newport's access to billions of dollars in federal funds for schools, roads and other public services.

The 2020 census questionnaire takes about 10 minutes to complete, in three easy steps. Thanks to everyone who has already responded!

Logon to the census website at

Click Start Questionnaire and answer the questions.

  • You will be asked to verify your address.

  • You will be asked if you own or rent your home.

  • Then, you will enter the names, age and race of the people who live in your home.

Click Submit!

Please note: The process is safe, secure, and confidential. Your information and privacy are protected.

You must complete your questionnaire once you begin. If you leave the questionnaire and return later, you will have to start over.

If you do not respond by April 1, you will receive a paper survey you can fill out and drop in the mail. You can also complete your survey by phone.

Results from the 2020 Census will be used to determine the number of seats each state has in Congress and your political representation at all levels of government. Please complete the census today.

Rumpke Update: Newport Trash and Recycle Pickup Days Remain the Same

The Rumple family has a 90-year history serving our communities. Now more than ever, teamwork is needed to help combat the spread of illness. Rumpke is taking additional steps to ensure the safety of its team members and customers, and there are a few ways we can help.

What You Can Do:

  • Bag all your trash. This reduces employee exposure to items such as used tissues and other personal hygiene products.

  • Continue to place loose recycling items in your bin. Ensure you only place the correct items in your recycling container.

    • Remember that items such as trash bags and grocery bags, tissues, napkins and paper cups are not accepted.

  • Properly dispose of medical sharps. Medical sharps used to administer medication to individuals or pets should be placed in a rigid plastic container, clearly marked “Sharps,” sealed shut and placed in trash.

  • Place trash at the curb/alley the night before scheduled service.

What Rumpke is Doing: Rumpke is closely monitoring the rapidly changing public health environment and following sanitary protocols recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as OSHA.

  • Employees have been instructed to follow CDC recommendations regarding proper hand washing and sanitization.

  • The safety team is reinforcing that field employees including drivers, landfill and recycling team members continue to wear required personal protective equipment, including gloves and protective eyewear.

Please note: Rumpke is experiencing a higher volume of phone calls. If you have questions, please consider contacting Rumpke Customer Service via email at or through a Facebook private message.

For additional information about Rumpke services, please visit:

From the Newport Historic Preservation Office: COA Applications Still Accepted

Greetings from the Newport Historic Preservation Office and the Newport History Museum. As of this writing, the City of Newport Historic Preservation office is continuing to work without direct contact with the public. This is for the safety of the public and the employees of our city. We are still accepting COA applications by mail and email, and are available to talk with contractors and citizens by phone or email so that any outside projects you may have within our historic districts may go forward without interruption.

Please submit your projects to Scott Clark,  or contact Scott at 859-655-6347.

The Newport History Museum at the Southgate Street School has cancelled all planned events and will be using the time to make repairs, establish new displays and clean and prepare to reopen to celebrate Newport's 225th anniversary. 

Thanks to the digital age, there are plenty of online resources for virtual tours of museums, historic houses and parks connected with international museums, the National Trust for Historic Places and the National Park Service. Please enjoy these online tours while we are paused for the current situation.

Our historic city has weathered many changes and challenges throughout our 225 years as a vibrant community. Here we are proudly celebrating our diverse past - and making history every day. — Scott Clark, Historic Preservation Officer, City of Newport, and Executive Director, Newport History Museum.

Help Keep Our Streets Clean

Newport Public Works is cleaning our streets during April on the assigned, posted dates. Although the city will not enforce the No Parking instructions if you are unable to move your vehicle, it still helps greatly for you to continue the normal routine. Please try to continue to move your vehicle on your assigned street cleaning day.

Of course, the city realizes that many residents are working from home and on-street parking is limited. Our Public Works crews are working daily on various projects with the goal of keeping our city looking nice with clean streets, while they perform other routine duties. Thanks for your consideration in this matter and thanks to the City of Newport for all that they do!

The Voice

Editor: Paula Brandon

Send articles to The editor reserves the right to edit or reject submissions due to length or content.

The Voice - March 2020

State of the City 2020

Submitted by City Manager Tom Fromme


As we enter 2020 it’s time to reflect and report on the activities and condition of the city during 2019. This new year has added importance since it is the city’s 225th birthday. While preparing to write this report, I looked through a few of the past annual reports and it became apparent that we are in the midst of one, if not the most productive period of our 225-year history.

From 2006 through 2018, Newport has enjoyed one success after another, even through one of the worst recessions in American history. Throughout the housing recession, property values held steady, and by 2019 the city’s overall property tax revenue increased by 58% compared to pre-recession values. 2019 was another very good year for the city, especially when you consider our rising pension costs.

In 2019 we celebrated many ground breakings and ribbon cuttings throughout the city. Corporex broke ground on the first phase of the Ovation project. This phase includes an indoor/outdoor music venue, a potential office building and parking garage. The Route 9 project is nearing completion of its final phase, opening up a new growth corridor for the city. The Academy on 4th residential development is nearly complete and currently leasing.

The former K-Mart site was redeveloped and is currently home to the ALDI grocery store, and Burlington and Ross Department stores. The former Baptist home site is also undergoing redevelopment as a 45-unit condominium complex, repurposing the old building. Newport on the Levee, under new ownership, has also commenced a $100 million renovation. When complete, the Levee will experience a new vision and fresh new look.

On the fiscal front, the city has continued working on securing and stabilizing our finances. For the calendar year 2019 the city ended with a general fund cash balance of $4,754,873, up $1,300,000 from 2018. We have established critical reserve funds for the general fund, compensated absences and legacy pension obligations. Our 2018-2019 budget reflected success with revenues surpassing budgeted projections. Over the last five years, the city’s net payroll revenues have increased nearly $1,200,000. In 2019 we gained a net 70 new companies doing business in the city, with 194 net new employees.

Business growth continues in the city, which is critical since we rely on payroll as our primary source of revenue, accounting for approximately 35% of all revenue. Our largest or fastest growing businesses are PL Marketing, Kroger, Defender Direct, Divisions, Inc., Impact Sales, St. Elizabeth, DJ Joseph Co., National Band and Tag Co. Inc., I-Wireless, CompMed, and Nexigen.

While many great things are happening in the city, we also are confronted with serious challenges in this new year. Increased costs related to personnel, specifically, crippling increases of over $1.6 million in pension costs dictated by the state pension system are expected over the next few years.

Due to these increases and other rising costs, we are continually examining ways to maintain an adequate level of service in the future within the constraints of our revenue. Perhaps the most difficult challenge for Newport and surrounding cities is addressing the delivery of public services to our residents. We continue to operate with a very small but efficient staff and make every effort to provide a high quality of service in a cost-effective manner (having reduced city staffing by nearly 30 employees in recent years). Currently we have approximately 114 full-time employees, with more than 80 in public safety.

The city has continued to invest in its aging infrastructure and equipment, however aging infrastructure and rising costs continue to be a challenge. During the next few years, we anticipate spending several million dollars on infrastructure-related projects and equipment acquisition, including upgrades to the 800 MHz radio system used for public safety. The 2019-2020 budget and work priorities include a focus on capital improvements, including expending the funds from bond issues for several critical projects.

Much was accomplished in 2019, and 2020 continues to look very promising. Construction on Ovation and changes at Newport on the Levee will continue throughout the year and beyond.

Construction on Carothers Road and design work on South Monmouth street (US 27) will commence and continue this year, including a partnership with surrounding cities on smart corridor initiatives. A mixed-use hotel and office development at the Peace Bell site is also expected to begin during the year. We will continue with our city-wide street and sidewalk repaving program and streetscape improvements on Monmouth Street. We are commencing our 5-year Comprehensive Plan review as required by statute.

Our goals for 2020 continue to include further redevelopment of residential and commercial properties; working on quality of life issues such as parks and recreation; and maintaining a safe, walkable community. From a fiscal perspective, we continue working on growing revenues and keeping our expenses reasonable.

The goals for 2020 are listed in their entirety in the Annual Report and metrics can be found on our online transparency portal at

Great things are happening in Newport!

For the complete State of the City, 2020, visit:

As always, if you have any questions, email or call my office at 859-292-3687. Thanks for your efforts to continue to make Newport a great place to live, work, shop and play.

NKY Restoration Weekend: March 21

Submitted by Scott Clark, Historic Preservation Officer & Newport History Museum Executive Director

NKY Restoration Weekend_2020.png

Do you own a historic home? NKY Restoration Weekend provides a day of FREE practical advice, demonstrations, workshops, and services for the historic homeowner, property owner or building professional. Mark your calendars now for:

  • Saturday, March 21, 9am - 3:30pm 

  • Newport Intermediate School, 95 W. 9th St.

  • Free parking in school lot off of W. 9th St.        

RSVPs are helpful for planning coffee, sweet treats and lunch. To register online visit NKY Restoration Weekend 2020

NBA Annual Meeting & Awards

Pat Budd, who for decades helped shape Newport and the East Row, received a well-deserved, posthumous Volunteer of the Year award at February’s Newport Business Association (NBA) Annual Meeting. Pat’s award was one of many that honored noteworthy individuals, businesses and organizations at this annual event. Congratulations to everyone recognized!

Community Leadership Awards

  • NBA 2019 Community Leadership Award to Police Captain Paul Kunkel for his continued support and compassion for Newport Night Out. 

  • NBA 2019 Community Leadership Award to Pompilio’s Restaurant.

  • NBA 2019 Volunteer of the Year Award posthumously to Pat Budd.

  • NBA 2019 Volunteer of the Year Award to Newport resident and Community Organizer Josh Tunning.

  • NBA 2019 Business of the Year Award to Perfetti Van Melle, USA, Inc. for the KaBoom! Community Build project at the Bernadette Watkins Park.

    • Two additional businesses who made financial contributions to the KaBOOM! Community Build project are Neighborhood Foundations and Brighton Center.

  • NBA 2019 Business of the Year Award to St. Elizabeth Healthcare for its financial support of Northern Kentucky’s First Outdoor Gym at the Buena Vista Park.

  • NBA 2019 New Business Award to The Baker’s Table.

  • NBA 2019 New Business Award to Incubator Kitchen Collective.

  • NBA 2019 “Marvin” Award for long-standing unwavering commitment to the City was presented to two businesses who each have been part of the Newport Business community for over 100 years: Ebert’s Meat Market (123 years) and Kentucky Furniture (100 years).

NBA 2020-21 Officers

  • President, Mark Ramler, Mansion Hill Properties.

  • Vice President, Bev Holiday, City of Newport.

  • Secretary, Tammy Weidinger, Brighton Center.

  • Treasurer, Michael Bach, Michael P. Bach, P.S.C.

 NBA 2020-2021 Board Members

  • Matt Atkins, Primary Principal at Newport Independent School District.

  • Chris Bednar, Nexigen & Newport Parks Renaissance, Chair.

  • David Dalton, The Think Shop.

  • Charlie Fry, Master Fry Defense Systems.

  • Joe Klare, The Catalytic Fund.

  • John Marlow, Mokka and the Sunset Bar & Grill.

  • Jack Moreland, Southbank Partners.

  • Rachel Roberts, The Yoga Bar.

  • Mike Smith, Headquarters Event Center.

NBA New Board Members

  • Brandon Quillen, Newport on the Levee. 

  • Amber Sipple, Impact Cowork.

  • Nick Eberhard, Heritage Bank.

NBA Economic Development Panel Discussion is March 25

Join the Economic Development discussion! The Newport Business Association (NBA) will host a panel discussion on Economic Development at its meeting on Wednesday, March 25, from 8-9 am at Headquarters Event Center, 935 Monmouth St.  Complimentary coffee from Trailhead will be available from 7:45-8 am. The meeting is free and open to the public.

Booze and Bootlegging Author Event is March 12


As the inspiration for “The Great Gatsby,” George Remus led a notorious lifestyle. Learn all about this criminal mastermind from the author who has chronicled the murder, mayhem and illicit activities that surrounded him.

  • “The Bourbon King: The Life and Crimes of George Remus”

  • The Newport Syndicate, 18 East 5th St.

  • 7-9 pm Thursday, March 12 

Author Bob Batchelor, a critically-acclaimed, bestselling cultural historian and biographer, tells the incredible story of Cincinnatian George Remus, his rise to infamy in the Prohibition Era and his ultimate downfall. “The Bourbon King: The Life and Crimes of George Remus, Prohibition’s Evil Genius” is a true-life story of love, murder, an extravagant lifestyle, and how Remus grew an illegal bourbon empire that stretched nationwide. He murdered his wife Imogene in cold blood in Eden Park, and the resulting trial was a national media sensation.

Batchelor currently teaches in the Media, Journalism & Film Department at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He will sign copies of his book after his talk. Refreshments will be provided along with a cash bar. 

Note: The Newport History Museum will have a limited amount of architectural pieces from the former 1936 Fourth Street School available for purchase at the book signing event. 

This adults-only event is made possible through a partnership among the Campbell County Historical & Genealogical Society, the Newport History Museum, the Campbell County Public Library, The Newport Syndicate, and American Legacy Tours (the Gangster Tour).

The event is free but registration is required.  Register at or

Maker Week is Coming! Newport Branch, Campbell County Public Library Programs

Our Newport library, 901 E. 6th St., 859-572-5035, is packed with programs this month, from the Booze and Bootlegging author event at the Newport Syndicate, to Library Night at Falcon Theatre, to library-based programs for adults, teens and babies with arts and crafts, book discussions, free tax prep, fairy and gnome home projects, the Friends book sale, a magic show, storytelling, and – well, you get the picture. 

In particular, Maker Week offers a great opportunity to let your creativity shine. For one week in March, the Newport Branch will have a makerspace. Monday through Friday, March 9-13, you will have access to equipment from sewing machines, leather-making tools and more to make your creative dreams come true. Hours for Maker Week are 9 am - 6 pm. Questions? Contact Valerie, 859-572-5035, ext. 12 or Ages 13 and up can participate and there is no need to register.

For more details about March programs, events and activities at the Newport library branch, visit the Campbell County Public Library’s website.

Be a Census Taker and Help Create a Positive Economic Impact for Newport

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Census jobs are available now! This is your opportunity to help create a positive economic impact for Newport. Please note that the census counts all US citizens and when we miss one person, a census taker must travel to that address to re-canvas. For every person missed, the city and county loses approximately $2,000 per year for the next 10 years for federally funded projects such as infrastructure (highways, bridges, sidewalks) and homeland security (police and fire/EMS equipment/services, educational, health and wellness). 

That is why Every Person Counts! The once-a-decade census counts everyone living in the US, not just citizens. To clarify, there are other Census Bureau surveys that ask about citizenship. The 2020 Census is to count people regardless of citizenship.

2020 census jobs provide:

  • Great Pay - $17 per hour (Rate for Campbell County census takers)

  • Flexible hours

  • Work in your own city

  • Weekly pay

Additional information:

  • Volunteer applications are only accepted online.

  • Individuals receiving monthly food stamps are eligible to apply. They will continue to receive their monthly Food Stamp allocation.  

  • The Newport Branch of the Campbell County Library at 901 E. 6th Street will have computers available for online application access. A BIG Thank You to Campbell County for providing this FREE service to apply online!

  • 2020 census mailers will be distributed mid-March. 

For an online application, visit / 1-855-JOB-2020

Beyond the Curb Urban Living Tour Returns to Newport

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Mark your calendars for Sunday, April 19, when some of Newport’s most luxurious and eclectic properties open their doors for Beyond the Curb. The tour includes Skypoint Luxury Condos, the in-progress Tailor Lofts on Monmouth and numerous other homes that take advantage of the views and access unique to our city. Newport’s West Side is featured, with its business investments, including New Riff’s rick house, and more.

“We are so excited to be back in Newport for our spring tour,” says Jill Morenz, Director of Community Initiatives and Communications, Catalytic Development Funding Corp. of Northern Kentucky. “We can’t wait to show off all the gorgeous properties and new projects.” Beyond the Curb, which runs 10 am - 4 pm, typically attracts 600+ enthusiastic attendees who love exploring neighborhoods, touring houses and learning the history of our river cities.

Get $15 early bird tickets and find more details on the Beyond the Curb Newport web page. 

Street Cleaning/Sweeping is Back as of March 1

Let’s have a word about street cleaning! As you know, our Public Works crews operate the city´s street sweeper, which routinely covers the entire street grid of the city on a monthly basis from March through November. The street sweeper makes a huge difference in keeping our neighborhood clean and tidy. Please abide by the posted No Parking signs and remember that street cleaning in the East Row is the second Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

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  • First, be aware that our crews frequently work in rainy weather since sweeping when the road is wet can be more effective.

  • Second, there are times that the street sweeper needs to return to make a second pass. Having the path cleared for the street sweeper is the best way for you to help us keep the streets clean. 

  • Cars can be ticketed during the posted days and times for street sweeping even if you think the sweeper may have passed or isn't coming that day.  

Please do not blow grass clippings, debris, and litter into the street because this can clog the storm sewer basins and cause localized flooding.

Our Very Own “Henge” Right Here in the East Row

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Climb onto an East Row rooftop deck for some of the best views in town. Rich and Mary Sheer call this one St. Mark’s Henge. It’s a spectacular phenomenon that appears for just a couple days every February, aligning the sun perfectly between the gap of the steeple and their third-floor deck.

Photo credit: Rich Sheer.

The Voice

Editor: Paula Brandon

Send articles to The editor reserves the right to edit or reject submissions due to length or content.

The Voice - November 2019

Tree-Damaged Sidewalk Inventory Reminder

By City Manager Tom Fromme


The Code Enforcement Department has created an inventory of sidewalks in the public rights-of-way currently damaged by tree roots.

The locations from the comprehensive list will be grandfathered with the city repairing these portions of sidewalks currently damaged by tree roots (as time and budget allow). Subsequent to the completion of the inventory and the appeal period, any damage to sidewalks by tree roots will be the responsibility of homeowners as provided for in an ordinance adopted July 22, 2019. Before the adoption of the new ordinance, any other sidewalk damage not caused by trees has been the responsibility of the property owner and this practice remains.

Phase 1 Inspections Complete

The first phase of inspections has been completed for the area bordered by E. 2nd and E. 10th Streets, from Oak Street to Washington Avenue.

Appeal Process for Addition to List

If you own property on a block where inspections have been completed and have a sidewalk you believe to be damaged by roots from a tree in the right of way, you may email Joy Rovno at with your address to confirm if it has been included on the list or request re-inspection. Such requests should be made by December 1, 2019.

As always, if you have any questions email or call my office at 859-292-3687. Great things are happening in Newport! Thanks for your efforts to continue to make Newport a great place to live, work, shop, and play.

Happy Thanksgiving

By City Manager Tom Fromme

On behalf of the Mayor, Board of Commissioners, and myself, we wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving. The City Building will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 28 and 29.

NBA November Meeting

By Bev Holiday, NBA Vice President

The Newport Business Association (NBA) will be hosting a "Healthy Lifestyle Tips and Services" panel discussion at its meeting on Wednesday, November 27, at 8:00 am at the City Building (998 Monmouth Street) in the Multi-Purpose Room. The meeting is free to attend and open to the public.

Newport High School Hires New Baseball, Wrestling Coaches

By Kelly Middleton


The Newport Independent Schools have hired new coaches for their high school varsity baseball and wrestling teams.

Baseball coach Dominic Lewis has more than 30 years of coaching experience, including five years as an assistant coach for Newport High School.

Wrestling coach Derek Webster has 10 years of experience as a wrestling, football and weightlifting coach at Deltona High School in Florida. He is currently the defensive coordinator for the Newport Wildcats Varsity Football team.

"I am very pleased and excited about attributes that these coaches bring not only to the student athletes but to the community as well," said Newport Athletic Director Robert Haire. "With his 30 years of baseball coaching knowledge, Coach Lewis has come to know and build relationships with the parents and the children of Newport.

"Coach Webster has a passion for helping and coaching high school student athletes," Haire said. "He is very detail-oriented while never losing sight of what is important in high school sports,which he believes is preparing young people to become good young adults and make sure they know that they are not only coached hard, but loved hard."

Coach Webster said he has a passion for coaching and molding young men, whether in football or wrestling.

"My philosophy is that I want my athletes to grow and become better students, athletes, and people," Coach Webster said. "I truly believe that the real results from coaching are if the young men I coach become good men, fathers, husbands, and members of society.

"They will not only learn lessons about becoming a better wrestler, but hopefully a better student and person as they grow in our program," he said. "I believe that if we do the little things right, not only on the mat, but in the classroom as well, the wins will come."

Coach Lewis said he is thrilled to have the opportunity to coach the Wildcat baseball team.

"I have been coaching for Newport for the last five years as an assistant coach," Coach Lewis said. "I knew if the opportunity presented itself that I would jump right on it. I love the game of baseball. I played baseball my whole life and have coached for the last 30 years in knothole. Newport baseball has always had great coaches, and I am just glad I can join the ranks.

"M philosophy about coaching is you get out what you put into it," he said. "The harder you work the better you become. The lessons that the boys will learn is that it takes a team, not an individual, to achieve a goal, and if they work together, anything is possible."

Haire said both Coach Lewis and Coach Webster are already recognized community leaders in Newport.

"Along with three other parents, Coach Lewis started a youth league, so that the kids would have another activity to do to represent their city," Haire said. "The program is going on its eighth year now and has grown to six sport offerings. 

"Coach Webster has already made a positive impact as a part of the faculty and as the defensive coordinator for the varsity football team," Haire said. "He has a great relationship with the students, works hard, and will help them to become the best student athletes they can be with the emphasis being on the student first."

"I love being here at Newport," Coach Webster said. "This is my second year here coaching football and now as the new wrestling coach, and I have to say we have great kids and a wonderful staff and administration that do everything to help make our kids successful every day."

The Voice - October 2019

New Neighbor Welcome Party on October 16

By Elaine Pearl

Join the East Row Welcoming Committee for the next New Neighbor Welcome Party on Wednesday, October 16, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the East Row Pool and Social Club (at Nelson Place and Linden Avenue). If you are looking for ways to share your time and talents in our vibrant community, this night is for you! Neighbors and local representatives will be present to share highlights of the many clubs, events, and activities happening in the East Row. It’s a not-to-miss event for newcomers and those wanting to reconnect with their neighbors. We’ll provide the beverages; please feel free to bring a snack to share. See you on October 16!

Newport History Museum Open On Saturdays

By Scott Clark, Historic Preservation Officer and Museum Executive Director

The Newport History Museum @ the Southgate Street School (215 E. Southgate Street) will be open from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm every Saturday in October and November, and December 7 and 8 during the East Row Victorian Christmas Tour.

We recently added historic collections to the Southgate Street School exhibit, recorded additional oral histories from former students, and revealed a new historic preservation exhibit and artifact display in the Newport Room. Events continue to be scheduled at the museum, so follow us on Facebook for the latest updates.

New Police Chief Chris Fangman

By City Manager Tom Fromme

As you might be aware, Police Chief Tom Collins retired effective September 1, after serving as Chief for more than seven years. Tom was involved in the community and will definitely be missed. We all wish him the best during his well-earned retirement. He is the newest member of a proud fraternity of retired Newport Chiefs.

The new Police Chief is Chris Fangman, who many of you know from his attendance at neighborhood meetings over the years. Chris was sworn in as Chief on September 9, and is already busy on organizational issues. Chief Fangman previously held the rank of Lieutenant in charge of patrol and has 15 years of experience. He and his wife Sara have two boys aged six and seven. They are all quite proud and supportive of the new Chief.

Chief Fangman met with his command staff and recommended personnel promotions at the Commission meeting on September 23. He will be making the rounds at neighborhood meetings to talk about his plans for the department and take input from residents. He will also visit with Newport businesses to talk about their needs and input as well.

Chief Fangman will do an excellent job and will represent the City of Newport in a professional and caring manner. The Chief can be reached by email at or by phone at 859-292-3625.

As always, if you have any questions email or call 859-292-3687. Great things are happening in Newport! Thanks for your efforts to continue to make Newport a great place to live, work, shop, and play.

A Reminder from Newport Independent Schools: Register for Free Monthly Children’s Books from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

 By Kelly Grayson and Dolly Parton Imagination Library

The Campbell County Public Library, Newport Independent School District, Campbell County Schools and the independent school districts in Bellevue, Dayton, and Fort Thomas have joined together with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, a book gifting program that mails free books to children from birth to age five in participating communities.

More than 250 families have already signed up to participate. Parents can register their children online through the Campbell County Imagination Library. Books are mailed to each child who is registered. Each book is selected by the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. A committee of parents, teachers, child development specialists, librarians, publishers, and others specializing in early childhood literacy make selections based on age appropriateness and the development of positive themes such as promotion of self-esteem and confidence, regard for diversity, and appreciation of art.

Newport Independent School Board Vice-Chair, Dr. Julie Smith-Morrow believes this is a great equalizer for our students in developing a love for reading. “Our kids often come to us already behind from an environment where they haven’t been read to. All of our kids now have an opportunity to develop a love of learning with books. The bond you develop when holding a child and reading a book is really exciting.”

Lifelong benefits are gained when reading skills develop early in life. Giving children quality books at an early age will improve kindergarten readiness scores and help children succeed in school and reach their potential in life. “Campbell County Imagination Library is an investment in the future of our children and our community,” continued Smith-Morrow. The goal is to improve the life of each child, to foster a love of learning, and encourage them to dream and to reach their potential in life. The first book order in 1995 totaled just over 1,700. Today, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library sends more than one million books per month to children around the world, inspiring them to “Dream More, Learn More, Care More and Be More.”

For more information you can email the library at or call 859-572-5039, ext. 39.

We also invite you to follow Newport Schools on Facebook and find our schools on Twitter. You can also download our app, Newport ISD, or visit our webpage. Our goal is to keep you informed about the great things happening at Newport Independent Schools.

NBA October Meeting

By Bev Holiday, NBA Vice President

The Newport Business Association (NBA) will be hosting a "Monmouth Street Stroll" on Wednesday, October 30, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Please note the location and time of event, as this is a new format for the NBA. Retail businesses, restaurants, etc. will be open to show you the many venues on Monmouth Street. This will be a self-guided walk with specials and goodies along the way! Details will follow in the city e-newsletter on where to start the stroll. Be sure to mark the date and time on your calendar now. This event will be in place of the monthly morning meeting. The stroll is free to attend and open to the public.

The Voice - September 2019

Trash Bash Challenge Returns for Its Fifth Year

By Emily Carabello

It’s that time of year again! Time for our 5th annual Newport Trash Bash Challenge on Sunday, September 22, at 2:00 pm. New to town or looking to get more involved? This is the perfect event to meet our wonderful community! The Trash Bash is a spirited trash-collection competition, followed by a celebration with prizes and a chance to eat, drink, and be merry with your fellow Newportians. What better way to celebrate the city we love than by making it a little more beautiful?

Grab your friends, family, and/or coworkers and create teams of four to compete. We’ve got prizes donated by local businesses (The Yoga Bar, Carabello Coffee, Industry Salon, Newport on the Levee, and more) and trophies. Award categories include:

The Golden Trash Can Award: The ultimate recognition. The team that collects the most trash.

The Most Spirited Award: We’ve got spirit, yes we do! Don't be afraid to dress up as a team of ghostbusters, create a team cheer, or get creative.)

The Most Unusual Award: Did you find the weirdest, strangest, "Someone else come look at this, I must be crazy, right?!" piece of trash? Save it and you might win! RULE: This unusual piece of trash must be found on public thoroughfare during the event.

The Biggest Butt Award: Cigarette butts are litter too! See if your team can collect the most cigarette butts to clean up the city AND bring home this award.

After we’re done beautifying our city, we’ll celebrate together with free food, Wooden Cask beer for sale, and announcing the winners of prizes!

RSVP via Eventbrite so we can have enough food for you. You can also get more details on our Facebook event page. See you at the Trash Bash!

NBA September Meeting

By Bev Holiday, NBA Vice President

The Newport Business Association (NBA) will be hosting an "Educational Update" panel discussion at its meeting on Wednesday, September 25, at 8:00 am at the City Building (998 Monmouth Street) in the Multi-Purpose Room. The meeting is free to attend and open to the public.

Newport Arts and Music Fest at the Newport History Museum

By Scott Clark, Historic Preservation Officer and History Museum Executive Director

The Newport History Museum @ The Southgate Street School is hosting its 2nd Annual Newport Arts & Music Fest on Saturday, September 28, from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm at 215 E. Southgate Street. The event will feature local artists and artisans with hand-crafted designs to sell, live music, and more!

Former students of the Southgate Street School will be presenting oral histories of their student days and sharing their memories of Newport in years gone by. The NKY Brotherhood Singers, a jubilee-style, acapella, sacred gospel quintet will be performing from 1:00 to 2:00 pm, along with other local musicians throughout the day. Hofbrauhaus will be opening its Bier Garden area and serving their specialty micro-brews and tasty German cuisine. The event is free to attend and open to the public.

For more details, visit the Newport History Museum Facebook page.

Newport School of Innovation Helps Students in Need Succeed

By Kelly Grayson

Newport School of Innovation (NSOI) takes an innovative approach to removing barriers from students by offering schedule flexibility, personalized learning, and time management along with a variety of courses that a traditional school setting cannot provide.

As we continue into our first few weeks of school, our enrollment keeps climbing. We meet the needs of all students for whom a traditional learning environment doesn’t always work, including those who are:

  • Dealing with homelessness

  • Working full-time jobs and only need a few credits to graduate 

  • Struggling in the traditional setting and work better in a quiet environment 

  • Sick or pregnant 

  • Needing one-to-one support with courses 

  • Planning to graduate early and start on their post-secondary education

  • Experiencing anxiety or depression

We are up for any challenge to ensure students are successful at getting an education.

If your child or anyone you know is interested in Newport School of Innovation, please reach out to us. We are here to help you. We are available at 706 Park Avenue in Newport from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Stop in and let us help your child get started on successful career opportunities through personalized, hybrid learning. Or call us today at 859-292-3081 and visit our website for more information.

Campbell County Library’s New Program Delivers Free Books to Young Ones

By Jim Pleshinger

Campbell County Public Library has stepped up its commitment to investing in our children and our future in a big way. In partnership with local schools, the library is proud to introduce Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library: Campbell County, Kentucky. Campbell County parents can now register their young ones to receive a free book in the mail each month.

Imagination Library is a program designed to put a new book in the hands of every child every month from birth until age five. The library, Campbell County Schools and independent school districts in Bellevue, Dayton, Fort Thomas and Newport have joined together to launch Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library: Campbell County, Kentucky. (Southgate currently has its own funding for Imagination Library.) The Dolly Parton Foundation covers all costs for providing the books. The library and all of the school districts pay to have the books delivered to each child each month.

Registration is open to all children who live in Campbell County from birth to age five. It’s easy to sign up. Just pick up a paper registration form at any branch of the library, fill it out and mail it back, or register online.

Eight to ten weeks after you register, books will begin arriving. Each book is selected by the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. A committee of parents, teachers, child development specialists, librarians, publishers,  and others specializing in early childhood literacy make the selections based on age appropriateness and the development of positive themes such as promotion of self-esteem and confidence, regard for diversity, and appreciation of art. If your children’s ages are between newborn and five, each child will receive a book appropriate to that age. Each book is mailed separately, so siblings’ books might arrive at different times in the month.

Tree Ordinance Amendment Highlights

By Assistant City Manager Larisa Sims and Arborist Rachel Comte

The City of Newport has had a Tree and Landscape Ordinance in place for several years. In 2018, the city hired an arborist to assist with the city's overall tree maintenance and planting programs. Following this, several recommendations were made to clarify language and update the ordinance according to national standards and best practices in urban forestry, within the context of local needs and availability of budget. Highlights of the major changes are outlined below.

Clarification of responsibilities: The revised ordinance clarifies that the city controls the right-of-way space and is responsible for the street (and park) trees and tree care and will work to care for public trees dependent on budget availability.

Safety issues due to trees will be addressed across the city every year and a proactive cyclical care program has been initiated. The city has been divided into ten management zones. Each year one zone will be re-inventoried and receive any needed proactive care (pruning, etc.). If a property owner would like to plant a tree or have their tree pruned ahead of this schedule, permission can be granted for the owner to hire a contractor to do the work at their own expense. Any planting, pruning, removal, or other alteration of any kind to street and park trees requires prior permission of the city.

Industry standards referenced: The revised ordinance cites industry standards for tree care. Copies of these standards can be provided by the city upon request.

Consequences for loss or damage: Currently when someone tops or removes a street tree without permission, there is no compensation for the loss of that city asset. The new ordinance includes a fine for work or removal without a permit ($200) and compensation for the loss of that city tree or asset ($250 per inch of trunk diameter).

Creation of tree fund: Any funds collected from the penalties described above will be collected in a designated tree fund that can be used for tree planting, tree care, and other tree related needs in the future.

Invasive policy: No invasive plants or bamboo can be planted on any public lands.

Sidewalk damage responsibility change: In the previous city ordinances, adjacent property owners are responsible for the repair and maintenance of their own sidewalks unless damage is caused by tree roots. The revised ordinance changes that responsibility to the adjacent property owner now being responsible for sidewalks without exception.

There is a large amount of sidewalks that need to be repaired (some damage caused by tree roots, some damage  exacerbated by tree roots, others not related to trees at all) that are currently not able to be repaired by the city due to lack of funding. This change in the ordinance is solely a reflection of the budget realities for the city of Newport.

The city has completed an inventory of sidewalks currently damaged by tree roots. The list of these properties will be made available on the city website.

If you believe your sidewalk has been damaged by roots and is not on the list, please contact the city manager's office in writing at 998 Monmouth Street, Newport, KY 41071 or by email at We will send someone to check the sidewalk to determine if it should be added to the list. You will have until December 1, 2019, to make such requests.

All sidewalks currently found damaged by tree roots will be repaired. Any subsequent new damage will then be the obligation of the property owner.

Clarification of what is allowed on tree lawn: Adjacent property owners maintain their tree lawns (the space between the sidewalk and the street), whether grass, ground cover, mulch, etc. However, there are some tree lawns or tree wells (concrete cut out for a tree) currently planted with large shrubs or with boulders or decorative chains that obstruct vehicular access and line of site for traffic. The revised ordinance restricts any plantings other than trees in this space that are above 12" or that will cause trip hazards. Landscape features under 12" may be planted with permission from the city.

The city encourages property owners to clear their tree lawns of any shrubs, but will not enforce this new requirement to existing landscaping in tree lawns and tree wells unless multiple complaints are received related to access or safety.

If you have any questions, email or call 859-292-3687. Great things are happening in Newport! Thanks for your efforts to continue to make Newport a great place to live, work, shop, and play.

Leaf Collection Schedule 2019

Newport has established a leaf collection schedule for Autumn 2019. Please rake your leaves into the street (near the curb) no more than a day before your street’s collection date. If you prefer to bag your leaves, you may put them out on your regular trash day, but they will not be composted. This schedule may vary depending on weather conditions. We may also pick up ahead of schedule but will return on your regularly scheduled day. For questions or more information, please call 859-292-3686.

The Voice - July 2019

Reminder: Yard Sale This Saturday, July 13

Don’t forget the highly anticipated East Row Yard Sale on Saturday, July 13, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

View and share the yard sale map with all participating homes, along with some descriptions of items for sale at certain locations. Visit the Facebook event page for more details.

Please spread the word to your family and friends. See you at the yard sale! 

Fall Tree Planting Orders Due July 15

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By Chris Compte, Chair of the Tree Revitalization Committee 

What: Fall Tree Planting

  • Street trees (planted between the sidewalk and the street)

  • Various varieties (10’-12’ tall) to create a diverse, healthy canopy which is resistant to an outbreak of pests that might kill all trees of a variety

  • Suitable to the urban environment and the specific location (i.e., smaller trees under power lines)

  • Selected by an arborist

  • Funded by the East Row Garden Club, the East Row Historic Foundation, individual property owners and a generous grant from the Duke Energy Foundation

Where: East Row Historic District and beyond

  • Extending north to the river, south to the railroad tracks and 11th Street, and west from the East Row to Monmouth Street

When: Planting on October 19

  • Planting rain or shine

  • Orders must be in by July 15

How: Download the order form for property owners 

  • Print the order form and mail it with a check ($50.00 per tree) to the address on the form


The entire planting will be done by volunteers, grouped in teams of three or four. Those who order trees are particularly urged to volunteer or to help in another way.

If you are ordering a tree, you can use the tree order form to volunteer. If you are not ordering a tree, email DeeAnne Helm at and let her know the number of adults and children and if you can plant trees or want to do some other task. DeeAnne will organize teams as we get closer to the October planting date.

Besides the tree benefits spelled out in the previous Voice articles, there is food, companionship, and fun offered free for participants. See you there and don’t forget to order your tree today!

If you have questions, email The Tree Revitalization Committee looks forward to seeing you for a fun and productive day!

Campbell County Backroads Farm Tour


By Bev Holiday

The Campbell County Conservation District is excited to invite you to the Campbell County Backroads Farm Tour on Saturday, July 20, 2019 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, rain or shine.

There will be fun for the whole family! See the county as you never have before on this self-guided driving tour of agricultural operations located around Campbell County. Guests can explore vineyards, equestrian centers, beef cattle operations, horticultural operations, and see antique farm equipment.

You can  also get a glimpse of the importance of preserving the county's prime farmland. Farmers will be available to share their stories and experiences as well as answer any questions. Many of the stops will have items such as produce, wine, crafts, and other farm products for sale, so remember to bring a cooler and cash.

Little Rock Farm and Neltner Farm, two of the Saturday Newport Farmers Market participants, are on the tour. This is a great opportunity to visit with the farmers. See first-hand what it takes to get produce straight from beautiful Kentucky farm dirt to your fork. You will definitely have a greater appreciation for our Campbell County farmers!

For more information, including a tour map and list of participants, download the 2019 Backroads Farm Tour brochure.

The Story of the Newport Dog Park

By Corey Siddall

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About nine years ago, a group of Newport residents got together to create a local dog park. They worked diligently with other neighbors and businesses to raise funds. They worked with the City of Newport to use land and to share maintenance responsibilities. The Dog Park Committee (DPC) was established as an independent committee of the East Row Historic Foundation. 

A concrete pad was poured, a brick gateway was erected, and a large area of Providence Park was enclosed with decorative fence to compliment the Historic District. The DPC built the Newport Dog Park and it was a big success! The DPC continued to raise funds and made improvements, such as a water fountain and benches. The dogs of Newport loved the dog park and so did their parents. It was a big success!

In July of 2018, the Newport City Manager asked the DPC to meet with him. He pointed out that the dog park was not a city endeavor. Permission to use the land was granted with the understanding that permission could be withdrawn if the dog park ceased to be an appropriate use for the land. He said that the dog park was too successful. It had outgrown its current location and it needed to be moved. He suggested two locations on the east side of Newport, the old city garage lot or under the I-471 highway, behind the library.

The DPC did not receive this information with glee. Communications between the DPC and the city broke down. In April of 2019, the City Manager once again contacted the DPC and said that the dog park needed to be moved or closed down. It was causing problems for nearby residents.

Since the opening of the dog park, the DPC weakened a bit. The dog park was up and running and did not need as much effort. Some of the original DPC members moved away, some went on to follow other passions, and others continued working to raise funds for a shelter. 

There were efforts to address the proposal made by the City Manager. The original two sites were rejected as being unsuitable. Some ideas to mitigate problems for residents near the current park were suggested. The possibility of using the land directly behind the library was investigated. Parking, access paths, a bridge over the little creek, costs to move and extend the fence, installing a water fountain, and getting permission from the State Highway Department were investigated by the City Manager and the DPC.

The City Manager said the city would be able to cover the majority of the costs to move the dog park, but the DPC would have to make significant financial contributions to the proposed new and improved dog park. 

When news of this situation began to spread, several people from the East Row neighborhood, including the author, had meetings with the City Manager to discuss the situation. In both meetings, the City Manager was firm. He was willing to work to move the dog park with the cooperation of the DPC, or he would close the dog park. He said it cannot stay where it is.

At the June East Row Historic Foundation meeting, a DPC member presented results of a survey which showed opinions about the dog park and how it has been used. The majority of the survey results were positive.

Public announcements were made for a dog park meeting to be held at the library on June 25. Over 30 dog park supporters attended the meeting. It was decided to elect a board to manage the Dog Park Committee, to work with the city to ensure we would continue to have a Newport dog park, and to continue efforts to make the dog park the best it can possibly be.

The new DPC leadership wishes to thank all the past leaders and financial contributors for the amazing job they have done to create and maintain the Newport dog park! All the hard work from countless volunteers, and the money from countless contributors is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

If we are going to have a place in Newport for our dogs to run and play with each other, the DPC is going to need your help and support. They will need volunteers and will need financial contributions. Please be a part of a successful Newport dog park. 

The new DPC board members need a little bit of time to organize. They plan to communicate in the near future.

Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Message


By City Manager Tom Fromme

I am pleased to submit to you the approved fiscal year 2020 budget. The City Manager is responsible for the formulation and administration of the annual budget, which was approved on June 17.

The budget numbers are our best projection for revenues and expenditures throughout the fiscal year. Formulation of the budget typically begins in March, when forms are distributed to each department. The department heads submit their requests for new personnel equipment and supplies for the coming fiscal year. The department requests are submitted to the finance department and a draft budget is generated. It includes the budget requests, amended previous fiscal year budget and projected revenues.

The City Manager reviews the draft budget and conducts meetings with each department in order to determine allocations based on projected revenue. A final draft is reviewed by the budget committee, which is comprised of two board members, the City Manager and staff. After the committee review, a final draft is submitted to all members of the board for review. Staff is available to meet with individual board members to answer any questions that they may have. The budget proposal is then placed on the agenda for the Board of Commissioners to consider and adopt. By law, the City must adopt a budget before July 1 of each year.

The proposed budget continues to focus on capital improvements, particularly infrastructure repair. Personnel costs have increased across all departments.  Medical insurance continues to be a rising cost and equipment and infrastructure replacement needs are growing and have been deferred over many years due to budget constraints. To begin to address these needs, this budget includes the issuance of a general obligation note for capital equipment across all departments and improvements to city facilities. The timing of the note would fall at the end of calendar year 2019 to minimize payments during this budget year. This budget also includes a three percent cost of living increase for non-contract civilian staff.

In order to keep up with these rising costs, this budget includes a recommendation to take the compensating rate, plus four percent. We are also recommending the approval of an alcohol regulatory fee of 2.5 percent and an increase in the rental license fee to $75 due to the ever increasing cost of enforcement.

Business growth in the city continues to increase, which is critical since we rely on payroll as our primary source of revenue, accounting for approximately 35 percent of all revenue. Our largest growing businesses continue to be P.L. Marketing, Kroger, Defender Direct, Divisions, Inc., Impact Group, St. Elizabeth Healthcare, the David J. Joseph Company, National Band and Tag Co. Inc., iWireless and Nexigen Communications. Property tax accounts for approximately 14 percent of revenue. Riverfront Place, OVATION and Riverchase Apartments (Ray Brown Properties) are the three largest property-tax payers.

Several new developments continue to be on the horizon. During fiscal year 2019, the New Riff Distilling campus was completed, a new office development is being developed in the old Greenline Bus barn, and the Academy on 4th is near completion. The former Baptist Home site is being redeveloped into condominiums. More interest in residential development throughout the city has occurred, and project development continues on the Skywheel and on the Pegasus Riverfront Project.

Major developments announced during FY19 include the redevelopment of Newport on the Levee, the kick-off to Phase 1 of OVATION and a mixed-use development at the Peace Bell site. These three projects alone will account for $180 million in development. The completion of all phases of OVATION will approach $1 billion in development.

From a fiscal perspective, we have seen moderate revenue growth as demonstrated by the amended budget estimates showing a 3.3 percent increase in revenue over the original budget. We also eliminated the use of the tax anticipation note (TAN) at the end of FY18. Our goals continue to be working to grow revenues, keeping expenses reasonable, focusing on safety and quality of life, and continuing to catch up on infrastructure improvements and equipment replacement.

In closing, I want to thank everyone involved in the budget process for their work and input in the preparation of this budget.

If you have any questions email or call 859-292-3687. Great things are happening in Newport! Thanks for your efforts to continue to make Newport a great place to live, work, shop, and play.

NBA July Meeting


By Bev Holiday, NBA Vice President

The Newport Business Association (NBA) will be discussing "New Developments in the City" presented by project developers at its meeting on Wednesday, July 31, at 8:00 am at the City Building (998 Monmouth Street) in the Multi-Purpose Room. The meeting is free to attend and open to the public.

The Voice - June 2019

East Row Neighborhood Yard Sale

By Paula Brandon

The annual East Row neighborhood yard sale is an eagerly anticipated, one-day event that attracts carloads of shoppers from all over Greater Cincinnati. More than 100 of your neighbors participated last year.

This year’s yard sale will be Saturday, July 13, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, rain or shine. Residents participate at no cost, since the East Row Foundation pays all fees and advertising. We post signs, place ads, and distribute a map of participants. All you need to do is sign up in advance and get your items ready to sell.

Last year’s sale featured a wide array of items – vintage collectibles, furniture, guitars, record albums, clothing, household items, motorcycle equipment, yard tools, toys, homemade soap, and of course, hardware unique to our historical homes. It’s a great reason to clean out your closets, declutter the basement, and purge those items that no longer meet your needs – or bring you joy.

To participate, just send your name and address to Paula Brandon at Visit our Facebook event page and invite your friends and family. See you at the yard sale!

NBA June Meeting


By Bev Holiday, NBA Vice President

The Newport Business Association (NBA) will be hosting a panel discussion on "Employee Retention" on Wednesday, June 26, at 8:00 am at the City Building (998 Monmouth Street) in the Multi-Purpose Room. The meeting is free to attend and open to the public.

Newport School of Innovation to Open Fall of 2019


By Kelly Middleton, Superintendent

Recognizing that all students are not suited for a traditional classroom setting, Newport Independent Schools has launched an online learning program that is taking an innovative approach to engage an underserved student population.

The Newport School of Innovation will serve students who want to take additional classes beyond what is typically being offered at the high school or when they are not traditionally offered, as this can be a 24/7 schooling opportunity. Some students may want to take higher-level courses while some may want to graduate in three rather than four years. The school of innovation may be of interest to students who are homeschooled or just do not fit into a traditional setting or have family or personal issues that prevent their regular attendance in a classroom during normal school hours.

Students and parents can learn more and apply for classes here. Online programs and classes are available for students in grades 6 through 12 for students in Newport as well as throughout Northern Kentucky. Students must apply through an application process with classes beginning this fall.

“Newport School of Innovation – like any other online program – allows flexibility, personalized learning, and time management along with a variety of courses that a traditional school setting cannot provide,” said Newport Independent Schools Innovation Coordinator Josh Snapp.

Newport School of Innovation will ensure that all students that enroll can have the opportunity to be successful through flexible personalized learning along with allowing students to enroll in courses they have interest in rather than offering the normal set of options.

“Newport School of Innovation will open up a whole new world to students,” said Newport Independent Schools Superintendent Kelly Middleton. “For instance, we do not offer Mandarin Chinese as a foreign language in a traditional classroom setting at Newport High School. But a student can enroll in Mandarin Chinese through the School of Innovation.”

Students who work will appreciate the flexible scheduling and the opportunity to do course work in the evening. The School of Innovation will also cater to students who are not challenged in the traditional setting, who have anxiety about attending school or who are homeschooled but need teacher and curriculum support. Other opportunities include tutoring, elective and post-secondary courses, internships, and community service projects.

“What we are really doing with the Newport School of Innovation is helping students gain the knowledge needed to have successful career opportunities through personalized, hybrid learning,” Superintendent Middleton said.

Newport Innovation School will offer four programs that are designed to meet the needs of students across the region:

Trailblazer: Trailblazer accepts 6th- through 12th-grade students whose parents would like to homeschool with educational guidance, support, and extracurricular opportunities. A Huddle course is recommended for students, which meets twice a week. No state testing is administered, but MAP testing is encouraged to show progress. The cost of Trailblazer is $60 per month.

Go Steady: Go Steady is for 9th- through 12th-grade students who are expecting,  students caring for a family member, or students who need a more flexible schedule in order to work. Coursework is delivered digitally. Many students participate in family literacy programs and independent-living seminars. Students are required to attend testing preparation and state testing.

Ascend: Ascend is for 9th- through 12th-grade students who would like to either graduate early or would like the opportunity to receive dual-credit classes to get a jump start on their post-secondary education. Coursework is delivered primarily digitally, however, students must attend a Huddle course and state testing.

CARE: The CARE program is for 6th- through 12th-grade students who have difficulty fitting into a traditional learning environment. These students may have anxiety or may be struggling with a private issue. Coursework is delivered primarily digitally, however, students must attend a Huddle or POW WOW course and state testing.

2019 River Cities Excellence in Preservation Award Recipients

By Scott Clark, Historic Preservation Officer

This year's River Cities Excellence in Preservation Awards were hosted at the Newport Millennium Housing Corp. III, work-in-process, rehab project at 1001 Monmouth Street.  This is an affiliate of Neighborhood Foundations, Newport's Housing Authority. This site was formerly a laundromat on the first floor with apartments on the second and third floors. The finished project will provide first-floor space ideal for retail, restaurants, wine bars, etc., with market-rate apartments occupying the second and third floors.

The annual awards ceremony acknowledges outstanding preservation projects and the efforts of citizens working to rehabilitate and restore our historic buildings. During the month of May, which is National Preservation Month, the Ohio River CLG cities of Newport, Covington and Bellevue come together and celebrate our local historic preservation achievements.

Please join us in honoring the following Newport recipients:

  • Historic Commercial Restoration: 402 Overton Street, Claire Canter, Mansion Hill Bridal

  • Rehabilitation Residential: 938 York Street, Christopher Sampson

  • Rehabilitation Residential: 54 Parkview Avenue, Simone Kuzma

  • Tax Credit Renovation: 1001 Monmouth Street, Newport Millennium Housing Corp. III

  • Historic Rehabilitation: 722 Washington Avenue, Mark Wrench

  • Adaptive Reuse, Commercial: 1104 Lowell Street, Ken Lewis, New Riff Distilling

Congratulations to the recipients for preserving Newport's Historic assets throughout the city.

Newport’s Veterans Memorial Pool Open for the Season

By City Manager Tom Fromme


The 2019 Season at Newport's Veterans Memorial Pool has begun. The pool, located at 26 Caroline Drive, is open daily through Sunday, August 10, weather permitting.

Hours of operation:

  • Sunday through Thursday, 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm

  • Friday through Saturday, 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm

(Pool may close early for parties and competitions.)

Regular rates for the 2019 season:

  • Children 4 and under: free

  • Children 5-12: $3.00

  • Ages 13 - adult: $3.00

  • Seniors (65+): free

  • Military with ID: free

Availability for private pool parties:

  • Fridays and Saturdays, 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm

  • Sundays through Thursdays, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

(Pavilion available one hour prior to private party.)

If you are interested in having a pool party for graduation, birthdays, sports teams, or just for fun, please contact Julia Crout at 859-292-3686.

Also, don’t forget to stop by the 28th Annual Newport Italianfest presented by Jake Sweeney Fiat on Riverboat Row (between Purple People and Taylor Southgate Bridges). Italianfest runs June 13-16 with the following schedule:

  • Thursday, June 13, 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm (opening ceremony at 7:00 pm)

  • Friday, June 14, 5:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. (fireworks after Reds game)

  • Saturday, June 15, 10:00 am  to 11:30 pm (fireworks at 11:00 pm)

  • Sunday, June 16, 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm

This festival features authentic Italian food, live Italian music performed by entertainers from around the nation and from "the old country," a golf outing and a family photo booth showcasing the history of Italian families that settled in Newport generations ago. Other fun includes a cooking contest, games, and rides for the little ones. Events kick off with a bocce ball tournament at Pompilio's Restaurant on Wednesday, June 12, at 4:00 pm. The event averages over 100,000 visitors. For more info, call 859-292-3666. A complete list of events taking place in the city can be found here.

As always, if you have any questions email or call 859-292-3687. Great things are happening in Newport! Thanks for your efforts to continue to make Newport a great place to live, work, shop, and play.

The Voice - May 2019

Preservation Kentucky Tour 120 on May 18 and 19

By Scott Clark, Historic Preservation Officer

Preservation Kentucky's Tour 120 is an exciting new statewide heritage tourism program designed to raise awareness of the importance of historic preservation to Kentucky's communities and to raise funds to help the nonprofits that preserve, manage, and showcase them. The program launches on Saturday and Sunday, May 18 and 19, during National Historic Preservation Month with tours of historic commercial, residential, and public buildings on the same days throughout the state to make a large impact on the public.

Newport is proud to be a participant in the Tour 120 event. Here's a schedule for this two-day event:

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Saturday, May 18

12:00 pm to 3:00 pm: Newport History Museum @ The Southgate Street School The first and second floors of the museum will be open to the public. Former students of the school and others will be onsite to tell the history of the only African American school in Campbell County. The Newport Grand Lodge 120 (home to the Newport Masonic Lodge and Eastern Star located on the second floor) will also have representatives onsite to share their stories.

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Sunday, May 19

12:00 pm to 4:00 pm: General James Taylor Mansion Home Tour (335 E. 3rd St.)

The former home of General James Taylor, founder of Newport in 1795, is a building the modern term adaptive reuse was coined for. When it became too grand of a space for a home, it became a funeral parlor and then a law office. A big thank you to the Gerner and Kearns, Col., L.P.A. office for opening their space to the public.

All events are free to attend, and donations to the Newport History Museum, a 501C (3) corporation, will be accepted.

Volunteers are needed for all the events. If you are interested, please contact Scott Clark at

Taste of Newport Sunday, June 2, Rain or Shine

By Bev Holiday

The 7th Annual Taste of Newport will take place Sunday, June 2, from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. The event is designed to showcase Newport's finest "tastes" around the city, featuring 20+ restaurants with a variety of selections including: pizza, coneys, homemade pies, BBQ, specialty coffees and teas, meatballs, grilled sausage, gourmet popsicles, and more!

The Taste event takes place on the 600, 700, and 800 blocks of Monmouth Street. Artists and artisans will be selling hand-crafted designs and Vintage Campers will open their campers for viewing. Newport retail businesses will be offering sidewalk sales and specials. Newport's craft breweries will also be featured, and two live music stages will have performances during the event.

Don’t miss this fun, spirited event that highlights some of the best food, drinks, art, and retail our city has to offer!

23rd Annual East Row Garden Walk Set for June 1 and 2

By Mike Whitehead


Please mark your calendar for Saturday and Sunday, June 1 and 2, for the 23rd  annual East Row Garden Walk sponsored by the East Row Garden Club. The walk will run from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm each day in the East Row Historic District, the second largest historic district in Kentucky.

Tickets are $18. Children under 12 are free if accompanied by an adult. Tickets will be sold at the ticket area until 3:00 pm each day of the tour. You can also buy your tickets online anytime.

The 2019 event features eight private gardens, all chosen for their creativity and design in an urban setting. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to other worthwhile activities in Newport. The Garden Club also supports various beautification projects throughout the city including the Tree Revitalization Project, the Mansion Hill park at 3rd Street and Park Avenue, the community garden on Nelson Place, and the Toll Gate Historic Marker on the border between Newport and Bellevue.

The Walk also features several major changes from previous years. The ticket booth, vendor and hospitality area are being centralized on the grounds of St. John’s United Church of Christ at the intersection of Park Avenue and Nelson Place and include musical entertainment in the hospitality area.

There will also be vendors on hand to provide plants and garden-related decorative art, antiques, and accessories. To date, they include:

  • Greg’s Antiques and Garden Iron

  • Wes Ledyard Painted Windows

  • Seeds in Art

  • Ursula Roma Metalworks

  • Tastee Teas

  • Moonbow Ceramics

  • Greenfield Plant Farm

  • Jenny Brewer and Family Repurposed Pieces and Salvaged Materials Painting

  • Artful Endeavor

  • Pot Head Pottery

  • Daisy Jane’s Flower Truck

  • Pieces of the Past

Stop by and pick up some fine crafts from these local vendors.

The generous sponsors for this year’s tour include:

Platinum ($500+)

  • Clint Copenhaver, Robinson Sotheby’s International Realty

Silver ($250-$499)

  • Cathy Rector

  • Michael Jackson, Sibcy Cline Realtors

  • Terry and Midge Brewer, Coaches Corner

  • Crazy Fox Saloon

Bronze ($100-$249)

  • Hardedge Tool, Inc.

  • Mansion Hill Custom Floors

  • Renaissance Garden Ornament

  • Carabello Coffee Company

  • Wooden Cask Brewing Company

  • Newport City Commissioner Frank Peluso and his wife Susan

  • The Southgate House Revival

  • Potato Hill Farm

  • Newport Pizza Company

  • Reser Bicycle Outfitters

  • O’Bryan’s Bar and Grill

  • Commissioner Ken Rechtin

  • Commissioner Tom Guidugli and family

Copper ($30-$99)

  • Sis’s on Monmouth

  • Gateway Bed and Breakfast

  • Newport Commissioner Beth Fennell

Please give them every consideration.

We look forward to seeing you at the Garden Tour!

NBA General Assembly Update

By Bev Holiday, NBA Vice President

The Newport Business Association will be hosting a General Assembly Update panel discussion presented by elected officials at its meeting on Wednesday, May 29, at 8:00 am at the City Building (998 Monmouth Street) in the Multi-Purpose Room. The meeting is free to attend and open to the public.

2019 Events Calendar

By City Manager Tom Fromme

We are already well into spring, and summer is rapidly closing in. This is the time of year that Newport comes alive with festivals and special events. 2019 has quite a lineup of events, and we wanted to let everyone know what is scheduled and hope that you can attend these fun-filled family events.

What: Taste of Newport

Where: Monmouth Street between 6th and 9th Streets

When: Sunday, June 2, 11:00 am to 6:00 pm

Details here.

What: 28th Annual Newport Italianfest presented by Jake Sweeney Fiat

Where: Newport Riverboat Row between the Purple People Bridge and Taylor Southgate Bridge

When: June 13-16

  • Thursday, June 13, 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm (opening ceremony at 7:00 pm)

  • Friday, June 14, 5:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. (fireworks after Reds game)

  • Saturday, June 15, 10:00 am  to 11:30 pm (fireworks at 11:00 pm)

  • Sunday, June 16, 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm

This festival features authentic Italian food, live Italian music performed by entertainers from around the nation and from "the old country," a golf outing and a family photo booth showcasing the history of Italian families that settled in Newport generations ago. Other fun includes a cooking contest, games, and rides for the little ones. Events kick off with a bocce ball tournament at Pompilio's Restaurant on Wednesday, June 12. The event averages over 100,000 visitors. For more info, call 859-292-3666.

What: Bacon, Bourbon and Brew Festival*

Where: Newport Riverfront

When: July 11-14

  • Thursday, July 11, 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm

  • Friday, July 12, 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm

  • Saturday, July 13, 12:00 pm to 11:00 pm

  • Sunday, July 14, 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm

The Bacon, Bourbon and Brew Festival is dedicated to the area's rich history and connections to the brewing and pork industries as well as our region's long ties to the bourbon industry. Each of the festival food vendors will feature creative bacon dishes including freshly prepared items sure to delight every bacon lover. Live music, games and more are part of the family fun. For more information, please contact Marc at 513-477-3320.

What: Glier’s Goettafest*

Where: Newport Riverfront

When: July 25-28 and August 1-4

  • Thursday, July 25 and August 1, 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm

  • Friday, July 26 and August 2, 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm

  • Saturday, July 27 and August 3, 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm

  • Sunday, July 28 and August 4, 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Glier's Goettafest is a family-fun festival celebrating the region's love of goetta. Here goetta will be prepared in many delicious ways such as Goetta Reubens, omelets, pizza, and more. There will be continuous live music, games, and rides. For more information, please contact Kerry Schall at 859-291-1800 (x 213), or visit

What: Great Inland Seafood Festival in Newport*

Where: Newport Riverfront

When: August 8-11

  • Thursday, August 8, 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm

  • Friday, August 9, 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm

  • Saturday, August 10, 12:00 pm to 11:00 pm

  • Sunday, August 11, 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm

The Great Inland Seafood Festival, held along the riverbank in Newport, features premium seafood dishes from restaurants around the Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati region and music for all. For more information, please visit our Facebook Page.

What: “Rides on Monmouth” Newport Downtown Car Show

Where: Monmouth Street (Between 5th and 11th Streets)

When: Sunday, August 25, 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm (registration begins at 9:00 am)

This family-friendly event will feature more than 200 classic cars this year. Come and enjoy the day and sample our great restaurants. All-day fun and judging of best entries. Benefits Newport Buenger Boys and Girls Club.

What: Riverfest

Where: Newport Riverboat Row

When: Sunday, September 1, 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Live entertainment, food, beverages, and Rozzi's largest and oldest fireworks display at dark. In 2017, there were more than 250,000 visitors.

What: Newport Oktoberfest*

Where: Newport Riverfront

When: September 27-29

  • Friday, September 27, 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm

  • Saturday, September 28, 12:00 pm 11:00 pm

  • Sunday, September 29, 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm

The Newport Oktoberfest promises to be the most authentic Oktoberfest in the area. The event will be in the Munich Oktoberfest style of large Fest Tent sponsored by German Beer Breweries. Each tent will have food, beer and music. Participating restaurants include Wertheim's and others. There will also be continuous live German entertainment. Free admission. For more information, call 513-477-3320.

What: Harvest the Arts and Music Fest

Where: Newport History Museum (215 E. Southgate Street)

When: Saturday, September 28, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

Harvest the Arts and Music Fest at the Newport History Museum @ The Southgate Street School is an event where voices and stories of Newport's unique and diverse past come alive. Food, beverages, live music, and artist demonstrations and sales are planned.

*Denotes events for which the City of Newport provides logistical support but does not manage the event.

As always, if you have any questions, email or call my office at 859-292-3687. Great things are happening in Newport! Thanks for your continued efforts to make Newport a great place to live, work, shop, and play.

Memorial Day Parade

By City Manager Tom Fromme

The City of Newport would like to invite you and your organization to be a part of our annual Memorial Day Parade as either a participant or a parade watcher on Monday, May 27. The parade starts at 9:00 am and last approximately 45 minutes.

This day is a special tribute in honor of our veterans. Your participation will help in recognizing this special group of people as well as contribute to the success of our parade.

The parade route will proceed as follows:

  1. Line up in the parking lot at 4th and Columbia Streets

  2. South on York Street to 6th Street

  3. East on 6th Street to Monmouth Street

  4. South on Monmouth Street to 10th Street

  5. Parade ends at 10th Street (City Building)

Following the parade, a ceremony in honor of our veterans will be held in front of the Newport City Building at 10th and Monmouth Streets. A continental breakfast will follow in the first floor Multi-Purpose room of the City Building.

To obtain an entry form to participate in the parade, please contact Julia Crout at Forms need to be completed and returned by May 17.

Thank you in advance for your support of our veterans and our Newport community.

Newport Independent School Launches Apprenticeship Program with Sims-Lohman

By Kelly Middleton, Superintendent

After Harold "Pete" Hamblin graduated from Newport High School in 2018, he enrolled at the University of Louisville. But he quickly discovered that pursuing a four-year degree was a path he did not want to take.

"I tried college, but it just didn't work out," said Hamblin, 19, of Newport.

What did work out was a new apprenticeship program the Newport Independent Schools have launched with Sims-Lohman, a regional distributor of kitchen cabinets, granite countertops and bathroom fixtures. Hamblin is now working as installer apprentice, earning money and learning a career.

"I love it," Hamblin said. "The job is so much more interesting and rewarding than I would have imagined. Sims-Lohman took me from the ground up, giving me the opportunity and experience I need to be successful. It's not every day that a career opportunity smacks you in the face."

The apprenticeship program is part of the Newport schools' mission of developing career pathways that prepare students for the future while connecting local employers with students after they graduate.

"Students are automatically more engaged when they see the connection between school and future jobs within their communities," said Newport Independent Schools Superintendent Kelly Middleton. "I am excited about growing this partnership as Sims-Lohman will be sending their people to our high school to speak with our students, some of whom will have the opportunity to tour the plant. Ultimately, our students will even have long-term career opportunities."

Sims-Lohman has a robust apprenticeship program. There are currently 57 apprentices working throughout the company, said CEO Steve Steinman.

"The most powerful thing in business for me is to watch young people develop and learn new skills and new opportunities that can help them achieve their goals and take care of their families," Steinman said. "At Sims-Lohman, we are dedicated to finding ways to allow young people to reach their full potential."

Steinman said that often, apprentices become long-term employees.

"We also benefit greatly from the program," Steinman said. "With labor shortages in the marketplace, our apprentices are learning and growing within our culture and often become some of our top performers."

Newport launched its program after a group of teachers and guidance counselors visited Sims-Lohman and learned about the skills the company looks for in potential employees. Harold Davis, who oversees the Construction Technology Pathway Program at Newport High School, recommended Hamblin for the Sims-Lohman apprenticeship.

"When I had Pete in class, he showed a great aptitude for working with his hands and using carpentry and other tools," Davis said. "He was a top-notch student. I knew he was looking for a job and a career opportunity. So when I learned about the apprenticeship program at Sims-Lohman, I knew he would be a good fit."

"The partnership between Sims-Lohman and Newport Independent Schools benefits both organizations," Middleton said. "Newport continues to model its mission and vision of preparing students for the future, while Sims-Lohman has an opportunity to reach into a local community and find prepared talent."

Steinman said the company is extremely happy with Hamblin and will absolutely offer future apprenticeships to Newport students.

"Right now we have apprentices working in our granite facility as installers and sales apprentices," Steinman said. "All of those positions provide apprentices with the opportunity to develop the skills that can lead to solid jobs with benefits."

Tree Planting Update

By Joy Bishop

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Tree Revitalization, a committee of the East Row Garden Club, is well on its way to another active fall planting event. Susan Whitehead has received 12 applications for a total of 35 trees. Five of the trees ordered are in locations above 10th Street. The process of canvassing this year included areas never before offered trees specifically and slightly outside the boundary of East Row. This area has less canopy and could conceivably be a significant addition to the treescape, benefiting the environment and increasing the focus and presence Newport has as a neighborhood of tree-lined streets.

The response has been most positive and is sure to bear an increased focus on the streetscape in those areas. So great to see such enthusiasm from a new group of residents interested in increasing the tree presence in the neighborhood during the first year of the offer to participate in the plantings.

The areas focused on were those streets north of Ninth and between Monmouth and Washington. Volunteers went door to door with information, talking points and order forms. Pat Altenau, chair of the canvassing committee, reports canvassing has been completed. Congratulations to the volunteers for all the energy and good will that went into making this a successful introduction to a new group of residents. Job well done!

Tree Revitalization has a number of informative brochures perfect as a follow up to all plantings. There are 15 brochures speaking to many aspects of tree care that should be helpful with keeping the tree healthy as an addition to the treescape. These brochures are available to all residents and can be dropped off at your home, if you would like to order them as an aid in caring for your trees. Please email to have brochures delivered to you. Provide your address, any special instructions for delivery, names of brochures, and number of brochures desired for each category of brochure ordered.

The selection of brochures is:

  • New Tree Planting

  • Benefit of Trees

  • Tree Selection and Placement

  • Recognizing Tree Risk

  • Buying High Quality Trees

  • Plant Health Care

  • Trees and Turf

  • Avoiding Tree Damage During Construction

  • Avoiding Tree and Utility Conflicts

  • Why Hire an Arborist

  • Insect and Disease Problems

  • Proper Mulching Techniques

  • Why Topping Trees Hurts

  • Pruning Young Trees

  • Tree Values

Reminder: Tree planting is October 19! Order trees By July 15. Questions? Email

The Voice - April 2019

Newport Schools Wins Prestigious Magna Award


By Kelly Middleton

The Newport Independent Schools has won a major national award for the district's efforts to bring educational equity to all students. Newport is a first-place winner of the prestigious Magna Award, which is sponsored by the National School Boards Association's flagship magazine, American School Board Journal. Newport was honored among districts of under 5,000 students.

The Magna Awards, supported by Sodexo, a leader in delivering sustainable, integrated facilities management and food service operations, honor districts across the country for programs that break down barriers for underserved students. A panel of school board members, administrators, and other educators selected the winners from 200 submissions.

“It takes commitment to start an equity program and fortitude to sustain it,” Thomas J. Gentzel, National School Boards Association executive director and CEO, said in a statement. “I congratulate the 2019 Magna Award winning districts for performing the hard and sometimes unpopular work to ensure all of their students are supported and provided with the tools and opportunities needed to succeed.”

Newport Board of Education Chairwoman Ramona Malone said she is especially proud that the district received The Magna Award because it recognizes efforts to ensure that all students are being properly served.

"I have long said that our primary responsibility as a school district is to provide our students with the opportunities they need to succeed, not just while in school but later in life as well," Chairwoman Malone said. "Winning this award is evidence of the hard work and commitment by the Newport Schools community to engage all of our students and provide them with the opportunities and tools they need."

Backyard Wilderness Exhibit and Bioblitz at the Newport Library


By Jim Pleshinger

Thanks to HHMI Tangled Bank Studios, the Newport branch of the Campbell County Public Library is hosting an all-ages exhibit that encourages families to engage with nature through investigation and observation during the entire month of April. The Backyard Wilderness exhibit shows us the wonders of nature before we even wander into our backyards and encourages us to make connections with nature that don't require WiFi.

The exhibit was created in conjunction with the IMAX film, Backyard Wilderness, which is currently showing in theaters across the country. Family activity guides will be provided to allow you to begin investigating in your own backyard. You may also download the app, Seek by iNaturalist, to discover what species of plants, birds, insects, mammals, etc., are growing or living near you. Or, to truly be WiFi free, ask a librarian to help you locate one of our many identification guides to check out and take with you into your own backyard wilderness adventure.

Along with the exhibit, the library is sponsoring a bioblitz, an intense period of biological survey in an attempt to record all living species within a designated area. Our bioblitz focuses on the species in either your backyard, the library's yard or in one of the many parks in the city of Newport. We are looking for whatever plants, amphibians, fungi, fish, reptiles, arachnids, birds, insects, mollusks, or mammals you can find in those areas.

To learn what species typically reside in our area, download Seek app or check out one of our many nature guides. You may also stop by our Newport Branch to pick up a species bioblitz form to use to record all your findings. (A downloadable version of the form is available at the library.) This sheet will also provide a sampling of species to look for in our area and a map of all our parks. If you bring your completed bioblitz form back to our Newport Branch and show it to one of our librarians, we will give you an entry form to win one of our outdoor adventure kits or your very own nature guide. A bonus entry form will be given to anyone visiting five or more of Newport's parks.

City of Newport and River Metals Recycling Offer Electronics Drop-Off Event


By City Manager Tom Fromme

River Metals Recycling has offered to host an Electronics Drop-Off only at the city Public Works garage in support of Earth Day 2019. Since Earth Day is the Monday after Easter, the event will take place the following weekend on Saturday and Sunday, April 27 and 28, from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. The Public Works garage is located on E. 11th Street at the Saratoga Street intersection.

Acceptable items:

  • Cell phones
  • Cell phone batteries
  • Circuit boards
  • Copper yokes
  • CPU chips
  • DVD/CD drives
  • Floppy disks
  • Gold connector ends
  • Hard drives
  • Laptops
  • Laptop batteries
  • Memory cards
  • Modems and routers
  • Networking equipment
  • PC towers
  • Power supplies

NON-acceptable items:

  • Chargers
  • Computer monitors
  • Flat-screen TVs
  • Hazardous material
  • Ink cartridges
  • Keyboards and mice
  • Printers
  • Power packs
  • Scanners and copiers
  • Speakers
  • Toner
  • TVs

Order Your Tree for the October Tree Planting Today!

By Chris Compte

Tree Planting.png

The Tree Revitalization Committee of the East Row Garden Club is excited to announce a street tree planting event on October 19, 2019. The event will be made possible by revenue generated from the club’s annual Garden Walk, support from the East Row Historic Foundation and the City of Newport and a grant from the Duke Energy Foundation.

The planting will once again add to our ever-expanding tree canopy, continuing our goal of maintaining the tree-lined streets that both contribute to a healthy environment and enhance one of the most charming aspects of our East Row neighborhood.

Property owners can order up to four trees per property address at a cost of $50 each. Trees will be selected by an arborist who will choose trees that are suitable for urban environments and for the specific site and those that support a healthy, diverse canopy.

Before the planting, Tree Revitalize Committee members will conduct site visits and meet with the property owners. Property owners are urged to volunteer for the planting and are expected to care for the tree, which includes watering the tree for the next two years.

The order form can be downloaded and printed here. Send or drop off the order with a check to Susan Whitehead at 617 Maple Ave., Newport KY 41071.

Order EARLY as there is a limit on the number of trees that we can plant. After we reach that limit, the committee can no longer accept orders. Orders with payments must be in by July 15, 2019. For questions, email

What a great way to start the spring season!

Tree Topping Hurts Trees

By Rachel Comte, Tree Revitalize committee member and ISA Certified Arborist

Tree Vitalize.png

One of the most common, yet most damaging, injuries to trees comes from tree topping. Sadly, it is a practice seen across the country (and in our own neighborhood) and involves removing or cutting back large branches to stubs in mature trees. It can also be called “heading,” “tipping,” “hat-racking,” or “rounding over.”

Topping is considered the most harmful tree-pruning practice known, as it stresses trees in a myriad of ways:

  1. Starvation. When a tree is topped, this often removes 50-100% of foliage – a tree’s food factory. If no food gets to the roots, the tree can starve.
  2. Shock. When an entire umbrella of leaves is suddenly removed, a tree can suffer sun scald. Bark tissues suddenly exposed to full sun may be burned and develop cankers (dead sections on limbs).
  3. Disease. The practice of topping leaves stubs that can’t heal properly (the location and size of wound prevent healing). Open wounds and exposed tissue invite disease, insects, rot, and thus make trees weak and more dangerous.
  4. Unsafe structure. Unfortunately, people are afraid of trees getting too big and often ask for them to be topped, citing fear that a strong wind might knock large trees over. This is largely unjustified, for the extensive root system of a healthy tree (if left undisturbed) provides adequate support for the tree.
tree topping.jpg

Topping makes trees even more dangerous. After a tree is topped, it goes into emergency response mode through rapid and extensive new growth. These new shoots, termed water sprouts, are poorly attached and prone to breaking. As these new shoots age, the tree is extremely vulnerable to falling limbs in future years. Ironically, by having trees topped to prevent future damage, people actually create the very situation they are trying to avoid. Many cities across the country assess fines when property owners top street trees for this reason, as it creates a serious future liability issue.

  1. Rapid, unsafe growth. According to the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), the most common reason given for tree topping is to reduce the size of a tree. People believe they need to top their trees to control their height and spread, when actually the opposite happens. Trees respond to the injury by rapid new growth, quickly surpassing the size it once was, though now weaker. Each cut sprouts multiple new branches and the condition become exponentially problematic with each cycle of topping.
  2. Expense. Often homeowners cite topping as a cheaper alternative to removing the tree. However, while topping may be cheaper right now, actual costs are exponentially higher from increased future pruning needs, falling limb damage, resulting liability, and eventual removal of declining or dead tree.

So if it’s so bad, why is done across the country? The answer centers on a lack of education on proper tree care by property owners and tree care companies alike. It does, however, provide a good way to judge the quality of a local tree company. If any tree company promotes topping as a service, you can be sure they lack quality knowledge of arboriculture in general, and you may want to find another company. Tree services that follow industry standards will refuse to top your tree.

NBA April Meeting


By Bev Holiday, NBA Vice President

The Newport Business Association (NBA) will be having a "Parks and Recreation Update” presented by Newport Parks and Renaissance Commission representatives and a presentation on a Newport "NKU Art Project" at its meeting on Wednesday, April 24, at 8:00 am at the City Building (998 Monmouth St.) in the multi-purpose room. The meeting is free to attend and open to the public.

The Voice - March 2019

State of the City 2019

By City Manager Tom Fromme


As we head into the new year, we pause to reflect on the success of the past, goals for the next year, and to strategize about the challenges ahead. In 2018 we celebrated numerous ground breakings and ribbon cuttings in all the various business districts in the city. Corporex announced that the Ovation project would soon be breaking ground after many years. The long awaited, multi-year, Route 9 project came to completion with the construction of its final phase, opening up a new growth corridor for the city. New Riff opened its west side location in 2018, and the Academy on 4th Residential development broke ground.

On the fiscal side, the city also continued to grow. For the calendar year 2018, the city ended with a general fund cash balance of $3,425,880, up $400,000 from 2017. Due to this, the city was able for the first time in over ten years not to renew the short-term tax anticipation note (TAN), and to establish a reserve fund. Our 2018-2019 budget reflected success with revenues surpassing budgeted projections. Over the last four years, the city's net payroll revenues have grown over $1,000,000. In 2018 the city gained a net 40 new companies doing business in the city, with 124 net new employees.

Business growth in the city continues to increase, which is critical since we rely on payroll as our primary source of revenue, accounting for approximately 35% of all revenue. Our largest or fastest growing businesses are PL Marketing, Kroger, Defender Direct, Divisions, Inc., Impact Sales, St. Elizabeth, DJ Joseph Co., National Band and Tag Co. Inc., I-Wireless, and Nexigen Communications.

While great things are happening in the city, we also face challenges in this new year. Increased costs related to personnel, specifically, crippling increases in pension costs dictated by the state, are expected to increase by $1.6 million over the next few years.

Due to the mandated pension increase and other rising costs, we are looking at ways to maintain an adequate level of service in the future within the constraints of our revenue. Perhaps the most difficult challenge for Newport and for surrounding cities is addressing the delivery of public services to our residents. We continue to operate with a very small efficient staff and make every effort to provide a high quality of service in a cost-effective manner (having reduced  city staffing by nearly 30 employees in recent years). Currently we have approximately 115 full time employees, with more than 80 in public safety.

The city has continued to invest in its aging infrastructure and equipment, however aging infrastructure and rising costs continue to be a challenge. During the next few years, we anticipate spending several million dollars on infrastructure related projects and equipment acquisition, including upgrades to the 800 MHz radio system used for public safety. The 2018-2019 budget and work priorities include a focus on capital improvements, including extending the funds from the 2015 bond issuance for several major ongoing projects.

Much was accomplished in 2018, and 2019 continues to look very promising. Construction on Ovation and changes at Newport on the Levee will kick off the year with a flourish. Construction on Carothers Road and design work on the South Monmouth street (US 27) will commence this year, including a partnership with surrounding cities on smart corridor initiatives. We will continue with our city-wide street repaving program and paver replacement and streetscape improvements on Monmouth Street. Bernadette Watkins Park in the West Side will continue to be developed.

Our goals for 2019 continue to include further redevelopment of residential and commercial properties, working on quality of life issues such as parks and recreation, and maintaining a safe walkable community. From a fiscal perspective, we continue working on growing revenues and keeping our expenses reasonable.

The goals for 2019 are listed in their entirety in the Annual Report and metrics can be found on our transparency portal.

As always, if you have any questions, email or call my office at 859-292-3687. Great things are happening in Newport! Thanks for your efforts to continue to make Newport a great place to live, work, shop, and play.

NBA March Meeting at Newport on the Levee

By Bev Holiday, NBA Vice President

The Newport Business Association (NBA) will feature a panel discussion on "Business Incentives/Programs and City Parks Quality of Life Event" followed by a Newport on the Levee update and tour at its meeting on Wednesday, March 27, at 8:00 am. The meeting will begin in the meeting room on the second floor of the main building in Newport on the Levee, and is free to attend and open to the public.

NKY Restoration Weekend Returns on March 9

By Scott Clark, Newport Historic Preservation Officer

Newport Intermediate School, designed by Architect C.C. Weber. Photo courtesy of Campbell County Property Valuation Administrator.

Newport Intermediate School, designed by Architect C.C. Weber. Photo courtesy of Campbell County Property Valuation Administrator.

This year’s Northern Kentucky Restoration Weekend will be held on Saturday, March 9, at Newport Intermediate School (95 W. 9th Street).

This free educational event includes a day of workshops and seminars on a range of topics related to historic properties: projects, rehabilitation, research, and maintenance focusing on strategies, materials, and techniques. The event highlights the reuse of historic materials and rehabilitation according to the Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation.

Topics include:

  • Masonry Restoration

  • Chimneys and Fireplaces

  • Solar Power Your Historic House

  • Taking Care of Your Historic Trees

  • Make Your House Energy Efficient

  • Nuts and Bolts of Electrical Wiring

  • Roofs

  • Gutters

  • Architect C.C. Weber designs (including Newport Intermediate School)

  • Walking Tours (including Happy Hour at the Crazy Fox Saloon)

  • And more!

Several Newport residents and businesses are part of the presentation team and vendors. Along with the presentations, seminars, and workshops there is a Vendors Fair including a Taste and Talk with free lunch for all attendees to enhance interaction between vendors and attendees.

RSVP encouraged. Register for classes here.

NKY Restoration Weekend is presented by these partners: City of Newport, City of Covington, City of Bellevue, American Chimney, Cincinnati Preservation Association, and Tiburon Energy and Construction.

Veteran Educator Dennis Maines Named Principal of Newport Intermediate School


By Kelly Middleton, Superintendent

Veteran educator Dennis Maines, who most recently served as Superintendent of the Silver Grove Independent School District, has been named principal of Newport Intermediate School.

Maines — a Dayton, Ky. native who has worked more that 30 years in education as a custodian, teacher, assistant principal, principal, and superintendent — began his new position Wednesday. He replaces Bob Seiter, who stepped down from the position.

"It is not every day that you find someone with Dennis's depth and breadth of experience as an educator, someone who has worked from the classified position to the superintendent's office," said Newport Independent Schools Superintendent Kelly Middleton. "Dennis is a tremendous addition to our school system, and I am confident he will be an outstanding leader of Newport Intermediate School."

Maines left Silver Grove due to the district's pending merger with the Campbell County School District. He had been Superintendent of the district since 2016.

"I have always been up for a new challenge, and I'm honored and excited to be the new principal at Newport Intermediate School," Maines said. "What I have learned over my years in education is that with the right attitude, the right collaboration, and the right staff members, challenges become opportunities. We have a lot of opportunities in Newport and can achieve much success by working together and helping our students reach for and achieve their dreams."

Maines began his career in education as a freshman at Dayton High School, working all four years as a custodian. He enrolled in night school at Northern Kentucky University and continued to work for the Dayton Independent School District as the monitor of the in school suspension program at Lincoln Elementary and as a worker in the district's maintenance department.

After graduating from NKU, Maines worked in the Covington Independent Public Schools, first as a teacher at Sixth District Elementary School, as an assistant principal at Two Rivers Middle School, and as principal at Holmes High School.

Maines served as principal of Bracken County High School prior to becoming Silver Grove superintendent. He received his superintendent certification through the University of Kentucky.

"I worked on just about every rung on the ladder of education," Maines said, "and I truly believe that has contributed to my overall knowledge of how schools work."

Historic Murals at Southgate Street School Might Be Start of Art Zone

By Nick Miller, Newport Historic Preservation Commission

Courtesy of art students at Northern Kentucky University, new murals depicting Newport’s past now adorn what city officials and volunteers would like to see transform into an Arts Zone around the historic Southgate Street School.

Until desegregation in the 1950s, Southgate was a “blacks only” school that served as a path to opportunity for the African American community. The building assumed its new role as the city history museum in 2017 with support from Newport Foundation, Inc.


The four murals are mounted along the brick street on the back of the Steinhauser Inc. Building, just across from the former school at the western boundary of Mansion Hill.

NKU art professor Kevin Muente said the murals include historic depictions of the school, the Newport Fire Department, the city’s Sin City era and the Ohio River (shown during a flood).

The focus on historic authenticity includes a largely black-and-white palette and attention to detail accuracy. One mural depicting a busy Monmouth Street at night even includes an inset that shows someone (possibly a gangster) being issued a criminal citation by police.

Art student Gina Erardi said working on the project gave her the personal reward of community engagement at a level that surprised her. The students worked from old photographs to paint the murals. One day Gina was walking along Newport’s streets, as she often does, when a sudden sense of place and connectivity struck her.

“I stopped still, struck with an extreme case of déjà vu,” Erardi said. “I realized that I was standing in the very same spot on Monmouth Street that I had been painting for the past several weeks, a street that had completely transformed in recent decades to the naked eye.”

Experiences like this are what city officials would like more people who visit and live in Newport to have, especially as Newport continues to enhance its vibrancy and popularity as an engaging place to live, work, and play.

NKU’s work at the school/museum is just one of several projects the university and its students are assisting with in Newport, according to Mark Neikirk, executive director of Scripps Howard Center for Civic Engagement at NKU. He said the work reflects NKU’s culture, which includes an emphasis on direct involvement in communities surrounding the university.

To learn more about the Newport History Museum at the Southgate Street School, including information about upcoming events, visit our Facebook page.

Newport Independent Schools Presents Shrek the Musical

By Susan Whitehead, Assistant Director


It is with great excitement that I invite my neighbors to the Newport Schools production of Shrek the Musical. The student actors, under the direction of drama teacher Ms. Brittany Stacy, will bring the adventures of Shrek the Ogre, long-suffering Princess Fiona, talkative Donkey, diminutive Lord Farquaad, and a host of displaced fairy tale creatures to life on the stage at Newport High School.  

The performances are Thursday, March 28, and Friday, March 29, at 7:00 pm and Sunday, March 31, at 2:00 pm at the Newport High School auditorium. Admission is free but donations appreciated. To reserve free tickets call 859-292-2800 or email

This is Ms. Stacy’s thirteenth production at Newport Schools and she now has a seasoned group of actors, stagehands, set and prop creators, and lighting and sound technicians along with a bevy of new students learning the craft. In addition, East Row neighbor Wes Ledyard is designing and making some of the costumes. The actors will be accompanied by Mr. Ian Stokes, Newport High School music director, and a group of musicians from the area.  

The senior student actors portraying Shrek, Fiona, Lord Farquaad, and several of the fairy tale creatures will soon be leaving the swamp, tower, and castle for new adventures at Columbia University, Kentucky Wesleyan College, Berea College, DePaul University, Campbellsville University, Northern Kentucky University, and other exciting locales. I have been involved with this program since 2012, and it is gratifying for me to see the students grow in confidence and dedication as the bar is raised with evermore challenging productions. I promise you will enjoy the show.

Newport Business Association Award Presentations


By Bev Holiday, NBA Vice President

The Newport Business Association (NBA) Annual Meeting and Presentation of Awards was held Wednesday, February 26, at The Newport Syndicate. Mayor Jerry Peluso presented the 2019 Officers and Board of Directors and administered an oath upholding the NBA's Mission Statement, which is to serve the local businesses through its problem-solving forum, unified voice to policy makers, and through its member support, education, and networking.

The following Officers and Board of Directors were installed:

  • Officers

    • President: Mark Ramler, Mansion Hill Properties

    • Vice President: Bev Holiday, City of Newport

    • Secretary: Tammy Weidinger, Brighton Center

    • Treasurer: Drew Bach, Michael P. Bach, P.S.C.

  • Renewed Board Members

    • Michael Bach, Michael P. Bach, P.S.C.

    • Chris Bednar, Nexigen & Newport Park Renaissance, Chair

    • Lynne Cole, Republic Bank

    • David Dalton, The Think Shop

    • Charlie Fry, Master Fry Defense Systems

    • John Marlow, Mokka and the Sunset Bar & Grill

    • Jack Moreland, Southbank Partners

  • New Board Members

    • Matt Atkins, Primary Principal at Newport Independent School District

    • Joe Klare, The Catalytic Fund

    • Justin Otto, Newport on the Levee

    • Rachel Roberts, The Yoga Bar

    • Mike Smith, Headquarters Event Center

  • Director Emeritus

    • Marvin Polinsky (retired), Saul's Men's & Boy's Wear

The following awards were presented:

  • Community Leadership 2018

    • BB Riverboats

  • Volunteers of the Year 2018

    • Emily Carabello, Trash Bash Challenge Coordinator

    • Susan Whitehead, Newport Independent Schools Drama Department

  • Business of the Year 2018

    • Cookie Jar Bakery, 91 years in the city

    • Dixie Chili and Deli, 90 years in the city

  • New Business of the Year 2018

    • Hal-Pe Associates Engineering Services, Inc.

    • Headquarters Historic Event Center

  • Special Recognition Award — Stewardship Preservation

    • Newport Grand Lodge 120 for maintaining the former Southgate Street School and providing space for the Newport History Museum @ The Southgate Street School at 215 E. Southgate Street

  • NBA Director Emeritus Board Member

    • Marvin Polinsky

New Neighbor Welcome Party


Join the East Row Welcoming Committee for our next New Neighbor Welcome Party on Wednesday, March 20, from 7 pm to 9 pm at the East Row Pool and Social Club (Nelson Place and Linden Avenue). We will have neighbors and representatives of local groups on hand to greet you and welcome you to the wonderful things that are happening in the East Row. We provide the beverages; feel free to bring a snack to share.

The Voice - February 2019

Commissioner Meeting Schedule and More


By City Manager Tom Fromme

2018 was a good year for the City of Newport! We are looking forward to new developments planned for 2019. The 2018 Year-End report will be featured in a future issue of The Voice.

Here is the listing of the Board of Commissioner meetings and other Committee meetings for 2019:

Newport Board of Commissioners:

  • February 11 (Caucus)

  • February 25 (Regular)

  • March 11 (Caucus)

  • March 25 (Regular)

  • April 8 (Caucus)

  • April 22 (Regular)

  • May 6 (Caucus)

  • May 20 (Regular)

  • June 10 (Regular)

  • July 22 (Regular)

  • August 19 (Regular)

  • September 23 (Regular)

  • October 7 (Caucus)

  • October 21 (Regular)

  • November 18 (Regular)

  • December 16 (Regular)

All meetings of the Board of Commissioners are open to the public. Unless otherwise advertised, meetings are held at 7:00 pm in the 1st floor Multi-Purpose room of the City building at 998 Monmouth Street. Any special meetings will be announced a minimum of 24 hours in advance by notice to the media and posting at the city building. Regular meetings are televised on local cable Public Access Channel via Spectrum Cable on channel 200 and the city's Facebook page ( Caucus meetings are not televised. Agendas are posted at or call the city clerk at 859-292-3668.

The following are regular meeting dates for other City Boards for the year 2019.

  • Code Enforcement Board meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 5:00 pm as needed.

  • Board of Adjustments meets on the third Thursday of the month at 4:30 pm as needed.

  • Planning and Zoning Board meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 5:00 pm as needed.

  • Historic Preservation Commission meets as needed on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6 pm

  • Newport Recreation Commission meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm

  • Urban Design Review Board meets as needed.

To confirm if there are meetings scheduled, please call 859-292-3637.

If you have any questions, or need additional information, please call me at 859-292-3687 or email

Great things are happening in Newport! Thanks for your efforts to continue to make Newport a great place to live, work, shop, and play.

NBA February Meeting


By Bev Holiday, NBA Vice President

The Newport Business Association (NBA) will be hosting its Annual Meeting and Installation of Officers/Board of Directors and Award Presentations on Tuesday, February 26, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Newport Syndicate. The meeting is free for NBA members and $15 per person for Non-NBA members. Hors d'oeuvres and cash bar provided for attendees.

February Events at the Newport History Museum

By Scott Clark, Historic Preservation Officer and Newport History Museum Executive Director

February will be a busy month at the Newport History Museum @ The Southgate Street School (215 E. Southgate Street). Watch the East Row listserv for details of events.

newport history

The Museum will be open every Saturday in February (2, 9, 16 and 23) in support of National Black History Month from noon to 3:00 pm. "Black Sports Legends of Newport High School" prepared by Daylin Garland will be on display for viewing. This pictorial and newspaper clipping exhibit showcases the Legends of Newport Honorees from the past.

Other planned February events (times and details coming soon):

Tuesday, February 5: An exciting "Reveal" along East Southgate Street to enhance this Historic Street and The Newport History Museum

Wednesday, February 6: A Talk by an expert on artist Frank Duveneck

The Museum's mission is to honor the students and educators who stepped through the school by engaging with and celebrating the diverse history of the community. This is a place where the voices and stories of Newport's unique past come alive. The Museum is free to visit and open to the public.

Newport Wildcats Advance in the Kentucky All “A” Classic

By Kelly Grayson


The Newport Wildcats played and advanced in the Kentucky All “A” Classic State Tournament. With the score tired and down to the final seconds on the clock, junior guard, DaeShawn White put up a 3-point shot dropping through the net giving Newport the win over Holy Cross 48-45 in the 9th Regional All “A” Classic. This game was held last Saturday at Newport Central Catholic. Newport advanced to the State All “A” after winning three close games, beating Beechwood 53-52 and Newport Catholic 67-62.

Senior Makhi McGuire was named most valuable player on the regional all-tournament team. DaeShawn White and Kaleal Davis were also named to the all-tournament team. Newport is ranked 4th in the latest Northern Kentucky coaches poll.

The win puts Newport’s record at 17-4 heading into the All “A” State Classic for the first time since 2012. The Wildcats took on Kentucky Country Day (10-9) champions of the 7th Region in the first round with an exciting win 67-47 at Eastern Kentucky University’s McBrayer Arena.

The Newport Wildcats will continue play, facing off against University Heights Academy from Region 2 in the next round of the tournament. We invite you to follow Newport Schools on Facebook at Newport Independent School District and on each school’s Twitter. You can also download our app, Newport ISD, or visit Our goal is to keep you informed about the great things happening at Newport Independent Schools.

Plots for Rent in the East Row Community Garden


The East Row Garden Club has a Community Garden at the end of Nelson Place. Members can rent a 4x10 plot for the season to grow their favorite veggies, flowers, and herbs. For interest in becoming a member and renting a garden space, contact